NQRNews Highlights: Biden bans Investments to PRC, Vaccine as a Weapon, Babylon Bee not funny to liberals?

NQRNews Highlights: Biden bans Investments to PRC, Vaccine as a Weapon, Babylon Bee not funny to liberals?

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for 3 June, 2021.

(Image above from iStock, Getty Images)


President Biden stepping  up against the PRC:

Biden bars US investment in Chinese companies linked to surveillance | TheHill

Information News:

Is China using the COVID vaccine as a weapon?:

Japan set to fly 1.24 million COVID-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan | The Japan Times


Biden military budget cuts procurement and focuses on research:

Eyeing China, Biden defense budget boosts research and cuts procurement (defensenews.com)

We’re a fan of the Babylon Bee. This is not quite right news. As the BB has risen in popularity, liberal ‘fact checkers’ began smearing the Bee by fact checking obvious satire. We can’t make this stuff up:


Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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Uncle Mike
