NQRNews Highlights for 1 SEP: Biden Speech Tonight to Praise GOP Cooperation With The Upcoming US Election (Just Kidding…)

NQRNews Highlights for 1 SEP: Biden Speech Tonight to Praise GOP Cooperation With The Upcoming US Election (Just Kidding…)

(Poland marked the 83rd anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War this year)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Hi Gang!

The big news is the Joe Biden speech tonight. Hold your breath until you hear anything nice about the GOP. He already spoke earlier this week where he failed once again to be the ‘great US Uniter’. I predict, more of the same. I wonder if he will declare half the country full-fledged fascists?

Here are some news highlights for the 1st of SEP. Let’s start with China in the news today. For something they would rather not be getting scrutinized for.

Don’t know how this got by the Biden White House?:

UN cites possible crimes against humanity in China’s Xinjiang | The Hill

Surprised the UN had the ‘stones’ to actually put this out there!

There was also a story about Taiwan shooting down a PRC drone. This is no time to ratchet up the war channel! Don’t the Chinese know Joe Biden has a speech tonight?!

Pretty sure Joe is doing this speech tonight so he can have another long weekend in Delaware, ride his bike and eat some ice cream. It’s fine. Susan Rice has the controls.

If you have any doubts who to vote for, keep coming back to www.notquiterightnews.com.

Uncle Mike


Zelensky, Forget About War. (And those Billion$ of tax dollars you’ve sent to Ukraine):

Zelensky: Russia wants world to forget about war | The Hill


Things financially are getting extremely tight in Europe. This isn’t even talking about the energy crisis:

Germany should pay £1.3trn in Second World War reparations to Poland, says Jaroslaw Kaczynski | World News | Sky News


I agree with the premise of this article, but the focus of US military “schoolhouses” should be on defending the country with weaponry, not social media:

Army schoolhouses dive into new social media trainings (armytimes.com)


Terrific article here by Jeff Thomas of InternationalMan.com:

It Will Happen Suddenly | ZeroHedge

Thank you for visiting. See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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