NQRNews Highlights for 14 AUG: Mexican Cartel Violence Escalates

NQRNews Highlights for 14 AUG: Mexican Cartel Violence Escalates

(Image from Facebook – @Tell the Truth)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

The lead story is the violence along the US-Mexico border. It is apparent that Mexico is on the verge of being involved in a full-fledged war. The cartels are fighting amongst themselves for now. Mexican citizens are suffering from the crossfire. Perhaps the government doesn’t have the capability to contain the violence. This does not bode well for Mexico or the US. Here is just one article I found on the violence:

State Department alerts US citizens in Tijuana to shelter in place | The Hill

Over a year ago, VP Harris was given the tasked to (do something!) lead the effort to stem the illegal immigration occurring along the southern US border. She has failed.

Maybe the thought is, if there is a border war going on, illegals will stop coming. You would think they have allowed enough people to come across when the mayors of New York City and Washington DC complain about a couple bus loads:

NYC Mayor Adams dubs Abbott an ‘anti-American governor’ as migrant spat escalates | Fox News

DC Democrats beg for help as border states bus migrants to Biden’s backyard (msn.com)

NPR understands it is a problem, but they blame border governors:

NPR blasts GOP governors for busing illegal immigrants to DC ‘with no plan for what’s next’ | Fox News

NPR is a biased opinion media organization that uses taxpayer money to voice opinion bs. It should’ve been defunded years ago. These governors have been asking for help for years. Trump was trying to assist with wall construction that was working. The construction ceased when Bidens’ administration took over the US government.

Now the violence from the cartels will create more illegal aliens pouring into the US. What are the Biden administrations “plan” NPR? Here it is. Go on vacation and leave the people running the White House in charge while the violence rages.

Biden truly is a modern-day emperor Nero. The only thing missing is a fiddle.

Here are just a few links to articles on the D. I. M. E. available at www.notquiterightnews.com


The Russian operation in Ukraine is nowhere close to being solved:

Zelensky accuses Russia of nuclear blackmail at power plant | The Hill


A very interesting article on Solar Power:

Why Solar Power Is Failing Amid Record-Breaking Heat | ZeroHedge


Remember Al-Shabab? The US military does:

US launches three airstrikes against al-Shabab in Somalia (militarytimes.com)


Having taken a trip on American Airlines last month, and the travel issues we had with Saturday travel, I understand completely why rail travel is trending upward:

Amtrak back? Train vacations up as gas prices and airports disappoint. – CSMonitor.com

When you visit the NQRN website www.notquiterightnews.com   you will see numerous articles that have bad news. It has been a rough weekend across the globe. Violence, bad weather, fires, and poor leaders seem to be everywhere.

Hang in there, Gang. It’s times like these that try men’s souls. Stay strong and keep the faith.

See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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