NQRNews Highlights for 24 May 21

NQRNews Highlights for 24 May 21

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are the Top stories at NQRNews for 24 May, 2021. When you visit the website you will see stories on:

Diplomacy News:

Surely American diplomats will step against this:

– Frontier Myanmar, said on Monday that its American news editor had been detained after attempting to fly out of the country.

Information News:

Here are some links to positive news on COVID. We WILL get back to normal, one way or another:


Same thread, from India. Treatment approvals:


And in our Information section, some not so good COVID news. Psyoping Psaki on COVID:

– Biden Spox Deflects Over Wuhan Bombshells During Tense Exchange. Zero Hedge Link: Biden Spox Deflects Over Wuhan Bombshells During Tense Exchange | ZeroHedge

Military News Section:

National Guard soldiers finally leaving the capitol:

– The Pentagon announced earlier in the week that an extension of the Guard presence — 2,149 troops — had not been requested

A political story of incompetence that is “NQR”. Texas congressman fails to provide vote allowing Speaker Pelosi an expensive win, because he “forgot”? Here’s hoping Texas voters ‘forget’ to re-elect him:

GOP Calvert ‘Forgot’ to Cast Proxy Vote Killing Security Funding Bill (breitbart.com)

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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Uncle Mike
