NQRNews highlights for 29 May 21

NQRNews highlights for 29 May 21

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for Saturday, 29 May, 2021. LOTS of articles on COVID-19 today.

Image above from Minnesota Oncology: COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Patients – Minnesota Oncology (mnoncology.com)

Diplomacy News:

Brits authorized J & J vaccine:

UK authorizes Johnson & Johnson coronavirus vaccine | TheHill

Vietnam has a new variant of COVID-19:

Vietnam identifies new, highly transmissible variant of coronavirus | TheHill

The Afghanistan Troop withdrawal shell game:
Pakistan leans towards giving US military bases – Asia Times

Information News:

COVID-19 “man-made” article on Zero Hedge:

Virologists Say Genetic “Fingerprints” Prove COVID-19 Man-Made, ‘No Credible Natural Ancestor’ | ZeroHedge

The Japan Times has a COVID-19 Update section with 5 articles:

The Japan Times – News on Japan, Business News, Opinion, Sports, Entertainment and More

Military News:

Yesterday we had an article on the US Army budget. Today we have a link to USAF and Space budget:

Most Air Force manning remains flat while Space Force spikes in $174 billion budget request (airforcetimes.com)

Economic News:

Another article on shortages:

Prices rising: From lumber to labor economy faces shortages – CSMonitor.com

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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Uncle Mike
