NQRNews Highlights for 6 Aug 22: Military Forces Turned Loose Across the Globe

NQRNews Highlights for 6 Aug 22: Military Forces Turned Loose Across the Globe

Dear NQRN Readers,

Been awhile as I was visiting Dad and then had a computer issue. Finally getting it working again and back in the writing saddle. Seems as though very few things got better since my last news in July. Let’s see what’s happening.

Israel and Hamas are having missile toss. No “mazel tov” (wish someone good luck) from Israel to the Iranian proxies. The picture for today’s articles is of Israeli Iron Dome activity.

From a Tweet by Hen Mazzig:

“80+ rockets have been fired at Israeli civilians. Ilhan Omar, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, Marie Newman, Jesús García, Thomas Massie, and Raúl Grijalva voted to defund the iron dome. If it were up to them, these bombs would be landing on my family and killing thousands more.”

Israel is at war (small w) again today. No surprise, civilians are in the crossfire:

Israeli strikes on Gaza kill 9, including senior militant | The Hill

A UN official has resigned apparently because the Ukrainians have cheated in their war (another small w) by placing military equipment in areas with civilians. Can you say ‘human shields’ boys and girls? I knew you could:

Top Ukraine Amnesty International official resigns after report finds military operated in residential areas | The Hill

Ukraine, Israel, and the Taiwan Strait are just what is being reported on. We haven’t even mentioned Africa. Below are a few more highlights you can peruse at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Have a great weekend, gang!

Uncle Mike

Here are a few highlighted article for 6 August, 2022:

Diplomacy (or, lack of diplomacy today):

After Speaker Pelosi stirred the pot in Taiwan, we see China increase its military aggression:

Taiwanese official says China’s behavior around her country is ‘unprecedented’ | The Hill


Maybe Elon can buy the South Korean moon program:

South Korea is scouting out the moon, with more missions to come | The Japan Times


Apparently, China isnt’ taking any calls from the Pentagon:

China halts climate, military cooperation with US over Pelosi visit | The Hill

Japan’s perspective on the Chinese aggression towards Taiwan:

Taiwan says China simulating attack on main island in drills | The Japan Times

Here’s one that isn’t about China/Taiwan. Is wiping your phone obstruction of justice? It wasn’t for Hillary Clinton. They shouldn’t even investigate this as the politicians have demonstrated erasing potential criminal information is tolerated now:

Pentagon reminds everyone not to wipe their phones (militarytimes.com)


Billions of dollars for veterans! Any. Day. Now. Now Jon Stewart can continue his ranting:

Now that PACT Act has passed, how soon will veterans see their benefits? (militarytimes.com)

Thanks for stopping by and visiting www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike
