NQRNews Highlights for 6 Mar: Military Aid to Ukraine and South Africa Putting the Bricks in the BRICS

NQRNews Highlights for 6 Mar: Military Aid to Ukraine and South Africa Putting the Bricks in the BRICS

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today is MAR 6th. The highlighted article: Growing Number Of Dems, Republicans Split Over Military Aid To Ukraine | ZeroHedge

Count me as another one. I think we need to stop funding the Ukraine if we are allowing a single dollar go to Russia. The Biden family needs to be investigated by congress since the DOJ isn’t doing it.

The status quo is unacceptable. The loss of human life on both sides is being under reported. The good news is the ‘gravity’ in Russia seems to continue being stronger for Putin’s friends and supporters. Here’s hoping the same Russian gravity catches up to Putin and Prighozin.

Meanwhile, I recommend you readers take a look at what is happening in South Africa. Read this article from American Thinker by Andrea Widburg: South Africa is in freefall – American Thinker

Follow the thread on twitter that covers the ongoing collapse. SA is one of the BRICS that is aligned against the US and the West. The collapse that is unfolding in South Africa is frightening.

Don’t think that it can’t happen in Europe or the US. Of note is the collapse not just on law enforcement, but the military. Plan accordingly.

Uncle Mike

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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