NQRNews Highlights for 8 MAR: Victor Davis Hanson Article, “The Price of Eliminating Consequences”

NQRNews Highlights for 8 MAR: Victor Davis Hanson Article, “The Price of Eliminating Consequences”

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today is MAR 8th. The highlighted article for today is here:

Victor Davis Hanson: The Price Of Eliminating Consequences | ZeroHedge

It can also be found on the NQRNews homepage:


VDH has an excellent summary on the state of the US. His insight as usual is perfect.

The United States is being torn apart both internally (by the political class, elitists leftist and the welfare state/lCloward-Piven) and externally (Chinese whole of government warfare, global economic mismanagement and foreign military masturbation). Without a change in leadership soon, the USA will need to take drastic steps to avoid financial destruction and a war.

You don’t have to believe me. But you should open your eyes and stop watching Main Stream Media if you do not understand my perspective.

Get you and yours ready.

Uncle Mike

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