NQRNews Highlights for 8 OCT: Ukraine Continues to Press Putin

NQRNews Highlights for 8 OCT: Ukraine Continues to Press Putin

(The Crimean Bridge – also called Kerch Strait Bridge or Kerch Bridge – is a structure 19 kilometers (12 miles) in length that passes across the Kerch Strait and links southern Russia to the Crimean Peninsula. The Kerch Strait links the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

My apologies for not “keepin’ it fresh”. You may have noticed I haven’t been posting lately. The reason being a few of the RSS feeds were not updating. BUT I had a tremendous ‘assist’ from Monica at RUDKIN PRODUCTIONS. She helped to get the site producing updated stories in a timely manner. So BIG SHOUT OUT to Monica!

Our lead photo captures a view of the Kerch Strait Bridge that links southern Russia to the Crimea Peninsula. You can see it’s been attacked. The war is not going well for Russia and Vlad Putin. My fear is that he will do something rash as soon as tomorrow because he is getting to a point where he has nothing to lose.  Sky news’ perspective:

Crimea bridge explosion could be turning point for Russia – as Ukraine ‘flicks two fingers’ at Putin | World News | Sky News

Let’s hope tomorrow isn’t a day he chooses to begin a ‘counterattack’. Just realize folks, it is coming.

A quick comment before I send you to the top stories for today, 8 October 2022. The best way the US can make a difference in Ukraine is by voting. We are one month away from the midterm elections here in the US. I want to post a list once more of what we are voting on. You should vote for Republicans if you want:

– Secure borders.

– Fair elections

– Energy independence

– Tough on crime

– Save babies

– Stop genital mutilation of kids

– Put parents first

– School choice

– Protect constitutional rights

– Put America First

A message needs to be sent to Joe Biden and his democrat sheep. Your policies are not good for America or the world. The country needs to be brought back to the middle. If the USA continues down the road of leftist’s ideology, that road will not be taken.

I will NOT FORGET in November.

Uncle Mike

Here are a couple articles from today’s news, 8 OCT 22.


Ukraine continues to put pressure on Russian forces:

Truck blast downs part of Crimean bridge to Russia, disrupting key connector | The Hill


One of the first things a military will do before an attack is disrupt, degrade or destroy Command and Control. What is this?:

Northern Germany Rail Network Disrupted After “Sabotage” To Communication Cables | ZeroHedge


This is an example of “asymmetric” warfare. It’s not just military vs. military. It is a whole of government (Chinese Communism) approach to attack the enemy (the US) by any and all means:

DoD inks waiver for deliveries of F-35s, halted over Chinese material (militarytimes.com)


Call Uncle Mike a climate change denier! I won’t deny that I am a denier. We need coal and oil for mankind. We are being forced into energy programs that are not capably of supporting mankind’s’ needs right now. Vote accordingly:

A coal strike’s import: Who cares for workers in a fading industry? – CSMonitor.com

Thank you for visiting. See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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