NQRNews HLs for 1 July: COVID Climbing?, “Skyborg” and Iranian Drones

NQRNews HLs for 1 July: COVID Climbing?, “Skyborg” and Iranian Drones

(Image by Uncle Mike)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for 1 July, 2021. Image to take you away from the weekly routine. Let’s hope the second half of the year is better than the first half. We are getting back to some normalcy folks. Hang in there!

Here are the NQRNews Highlights:

Diplomacy News:

This news as “Delta” variant responsible for up to 20% of new positives in Texas. Illegals are being let go by the busload (Source: Rep. Louie Gohmert):

Mexico’s COVID-19 death roll may exceed official count by 60 percent | TheHill

Information news:

This news along with indications Chinese vaccines are apparently having limited effect. This does not bode well for the Olympics:

Japan’s homeless among those struggling to access COVID-19 vaccines | The Japan Times

Military News:

“Skyborg”?! I was looking for a Terminator story:

Skyborg makes its second flight, this time autonomously piloting General Atomics’ Avenger drone (defensenews.com)

Iranian Military Deception campaign?:

Iran’s new drone has a ‘7,000 km range’: report – Asia Times

Economic News:

Laos about to become a puppet state? This is not good for anyone in SE Asia:

Little Laos piling up big debts to China – Asia Times

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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