NQRNews HLs for 12 July: Caribbean Protests, US Vacuum in Afghanistan and Basel III Analysis

NQRNews HLs for 12 July: Caribbean Protests, US Vacuum in Afghanistan and Basel III Analysis

(Photo: AFP via Getty Images)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

The word of the day is, “RIOT”. Can you say ‘Riot’? I knew you could. Perhaps the Caribbean has taken a page from the Rules for Radicals handbook on how to deal with the bs that is Marxism. Cuba, Haiti and South Africa, among other nations are enjoying news footage of their countries as they look like Portland. Cuba has the audacity to use an American flag and chant they want FREEDOM! How dare they have more courage than any right-wing turtle that won’t show his own flag since 6 January.

My Uncle Sam hat is off to the Cubans and Haitians that are stepping out and stepping up to get answers and demand freedom. God Bless ‘em!

Here are the Highlighted News stories for 12 July.

Diplomacy News:

Of course the Marxists Cuban Government is blaming the US:

Cuban president blames unrest on ‘economic asphyxiation’ by US | TheHill

But Mia, telling it like it is!:

Mia Khalifa turbo-charges social media protests of Cuban government | TheHill  

Information news:

Does anyone on the right have any reason to believe a single word the MSM reports?:

Mainstream Media Is Wrong: Vaccine Hesitancy Is Not Highest Among Republican Men And Trump Isn’t To Blame | ZeroHedge

South African rioting:

Jacob Zuma: Six people dead in South Africa as protests escalate over jailing of former president | World News | Sky News

Military News:

The Biden Admin won’t tell you this, but ‘good job’ General Miller:

Top US commander exits Afghanistan amid Taliban surge (militarytimes.com)

Taliban read up on Nazi’s?:

Taliban’s peace plan forged in blitzkrieg war – Asia Times

Economic News:

Basel III analysis here:

What Friday’s Basel III Carve Out Truly Means- Gold Analysis | ZeroHedge

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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