NQRNews HLs for 15 July: Tokyo Oly’s in the news, AZ Audit getting Audited?

NQRNews HLs for 15 July: Tokyo Oly’s in the news, AZ Audit getting Audited?

(Cartoon by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Tokyo Olympics in the news. COVID cases on the climb, Transgender creating issues, a lack of fans in the stands, and general political nonsense are all putting a damper on the upcoming Olympics. Would be nice to be able to sit back and watch people that are the best in the world participate in sports, but I don’t think we’re going to get that.

Here are some other news highlights for 15 July:

Diplomacy News:

China has a case of hospitalized ‘Bird Flu’ now. Japan impacted by COVID:

Olympic athlete, staff member test positive for COVID-19 | TheHill           

Information news:

If Biden won by 6 million votes, why won’t the Democrats allow audits? Seems like they are trying to hide the results and the process. Indications are there were nefarious voting practices:

Arizona Election Audit: Maricopa County Stonewalling – Will Not Turn Over Routers, Chain Of Custody, Ballot Images As Discrepancies Found | ZeroHedge

Military News:

The Washington Post and the Military Times are not fans of Trump. This article implies that General Miller and all the GO’s in line at the Pentagon would resign, ‘one by one’ “IF Trump tried to stage a coup.” The authors, Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, White House reporters for the Washington Post, are not quoted as saying Trump or his people said they would seek a takeover with the use of military members. They seem to imply it and the article is designed for the reader to think Trump ordered Milley to be ready to execute a coup. The article ends with, “Milley has dropped hints that he was concerned about the direction the country began to head last summer, though he stopped short of publicly denouncing Trump”. There is no doubt in my mind that General Milley would be out there screaming if Trump ordered him to even plan a coup. Trump didn’t even have the support of Milley to do what was directed to downsize troop levels in the ME.

Top generals planned to resign en masse if Trump refused to leave office: reports (militarytimes.com)

So, how many are planning to resign as the military budget gets crushed, the Taliban overruns Afghanistan, China prepares to invade Taiwan, and Russia threatens war in the Black Sea? My bet is not one GO or Admiral resigns while Biden is President. The US military service members will pay the price for this leadership. As for Rucker and Leonnig, unless I see names, your comments equate to wishful thinking so they can try to sell their fiction.


A negative assessment of the economy:

Gundlach Warns Dollar Is “Doomed”, Stocks Are At “Nosebleed” Levels | ZeroHedge

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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