NQRNews HLs for 15 NOV: China Accuses US of “Building Trade Barricades”. Riigghhtt…..

NQRNews HLs for 15 NOV: China Accuses US of “Building Trade Barricades”. Riigghhtt…..

(Image: Dana Carvey as “the Church Lady”, SNL)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

China has come out whining as the US calls them out for Governmental, not corporate business practices. It essentially isn’t equal footing when companies, say, that are trying to solve production of Semi Components issues on a business or corporate level. Versus say, a totalitarian government that exist through price controls that they can set with cheap labor. It is not just unfair, it should be unacceptable in the global market:

CCP Accuses US Of “Building Trade Barricades” By Not Allowing Intel To Produce Semi Components In China | ZeroHedge

Even the Biden administration, as much as the “Big Guy” and his 10% can’t abide by the real “Bigger Guy”, Xi, whose overseas a global monopoly on biased trade processes due to the ability to get the most work, from the most people, at the absolute cheapest price, which is set by his ‘government’.

Throw in his now ‘president for life’ position, an unbridled run to produce nuclear weapons, and unfiltered threats to neighbors such as Australia and Japan, and you have the mask of a dictator removed for the world to see.

It will be interesting to see if there is a culling of moderate Chinese politicians with courage to speak out in the very near future. Hong Kong was just the start. I image Taiwan is preparing for Chinese ‘influence’ efforts post the Olympics. Get your visits in now, because all bets on visits to Taiwan will not be allowed in March.

As China stirs the globe with economic problems, Russia decides to go the old fashioned route with stacking 100K troops on the border with NATO:

NATO chief warns of ‘significant’ Russian military build-up along Ukraine border | TheHill

Last week I discussed how news stories were taking us back in time to the 70’s. Russia has decided since China can threaten it’s neighbors, they can threaten NATO.

We truly are living in ‘interesting’ times. In a Chinese sort of way.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 15 NOV.


Maybe France doesn’t even want to be in the EU if they don’t want to have the same color blue on their flag. Is this “Flexit”?:

Emmanuel Macron changed colour of French flag in ‘very political’ decision | World News | Sky News


Yeah! More debt:

Senate ‘likely’ to move defense bill this week, Schumer says (defensenews.com)


If your political comments, news articles, and higher education statements on racism and social justice aren’t working, just go ahead and use a razor thin political margin to legislate a solution to a problem that people don’t see:

Legislation targets GI Bill racial inequities (militarytimes.com)

I guess 2, 4, or 8 just isn’t enough to shoot at unknowing targets. In the dead of night. Thousands of miles away. How long will it be until US adversaries begin using this same tactic, technique and procedure against the US? Will the US use the same TTP against it’s own citizen’s that a) don’t vote the right way, b) don’t have vaccine cards, or c) have a website, blog or social media account that opposes the political leadership?:

Secret US drone can carry 16 Hellfire missiles – Asia Times

Guess it’s not really a “secret” anymore.


Russia is in the process of creating a problem on the Belarus border by pushing thousands of refugee’s through Belarus into NATO territory. Belarus President Lukashenko is threatening to cut of Russian gas exports that run through Belarus. Probably a good time for Lukashenko to call Moscow and get some guidance. Russian troops are involved in the Ukraine and stacking along the border lands with other NATO countries. Belarus might want to make sure they can get support for their diplomatic blackmail that Putin has indicated he would not support. But, “winter is coming”, in more ways than one:

Migrant row: Belarus threatens to cut gas to Europe – Asia Times

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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