NQRNews HLs for 16 NOV: VP Harris Ready for the Presidency? Not so fast…

NQRNews HLs for 16 NOV: VP Harris Ready for the Presidency? Not so fast…

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Apparently there is discord in the White House. Maybe Jill Biden is running the show. I say that because it is evident she cares none too much for VP Kamala Harris. I don’t know why. The selection of VP Harris has provided President Biden a solid primary reason as to why he is still President. The option of a ‘Harris’ Presidency is too horrifying for most democrat to even contemplate!

Not only does VP Harris have astoundingly horrible approval ratings, but rumor has it, more people find toe fungus more appealing and would prefer listening to Gilbert Gottfried drone on, than hear her laugh. Sources say, GITMO Officials have considered using her laugh on a loop to break prisoners.

Why is VP Harris’ approval rating so low? Blame Biden, polarization, fewer chances to be seen as a leader (kcrw.com)

On a more serious note, the VP hasn’t successfully accomplished any tasks she has been assigned. She has been given the opportunity to lead (the border), she just hasn’t done anything. Meanwhile, her boss, President Brandon has accomplished this succinct list:

-Responsible for a ‘supply chain crisis’ (never let a crisis, especially one you create, go to waste. Right Democrats!)

-Vax Mandate crisis. Telling people that if you get vaxxed, you can’t give COVID to others is… MSNBC type fiction

-Afghanistan withdrawal crisis. Yes, Virginia, you may have voted Republican, but the Biden administration has left American’s in Afghanistan and has done NOTHING to get them out!

-Border Crisis. The solution for that was to put PV Harris on the task. She slowly took on the task of illegal immigration… IN EUROPE! If the EU is smart, they won’t take her advice. Another 100,000 on the way. Get the buses and midnight planes ready! Heads up, Florida, your state population numbers are fixing to climb along with Texas!

-Energy Crisis. Soon it won’t be just California with $6/gallon gas. You will be lucky to pay that, if you can get it. If we don’t use our oil, but use OPEC oil, does that mean we are saving the planet? Hell no. It means we are paying more ($85/barrel now) for oil from OPEC than for US oil that we be cheaper because we don’t have to ship it. But you can believe this administration when they say (picture John Kerry in a private jet telling a reporter), we are the green administration that will save Mother Earth. NOT!

-Inflation. Yes, EVERYTHING has gone up. Except wages. This administration has provided money to people that don’t work for it, cost the US jobs by the millions, sucked up to China at the expense of the American and western democracy workers, and passed a “build back Better bullshit bill” they say “doesn’t cost anything”, yet has a advertised $1.9 TRILLION cost. Actual numbers: $4.8 TRILLION, but why tell that kind of truth if the media won’t ask….

Yes, this is what America voted for planet Earth. A dottering old man to be acting President while unelected officials (Jill Biden, Valerie Jarrett, Ron Klain (he worked for Al Gore), and the DNC) run the country with policies that no one voted for.

The 2022 election can’t come fast enough. State election committee’s need to act today to get control of state election process to prevent DNC cheating, or we will have unchecked Democrat policies in perpetuity. The problems within the DNC run deep. Who will be selected to run for President in 2024 is just the start of their issues.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 16 NOV.


This will help the Biden administration:

Iran restarts production of advanced parts for nuclear program: report | TheHill


And those convoy’s on the border of Ukriane and Poland; Food trucks! Sure….:

Russia dismisses US concerns of space debris after weapons test | TheHill

The West faces a test of unity over Russia as tensions intensify between Moscow and NATO | World News | Sky News


Think of the money the US DOD will save when the kick out the non-jabbers:

Rising costs for troops’ pay and benefits could hurt military readiness, experts warn (militarytimes.com)


Thanks, Brandon. Get the VP on it:

Inflation at 30-year high. Where it goes next is (partly) up to you. – CSMonitor.com

Do you still trust the Fed?:

Peter Schiff: The Only Thing Transitory Is The Fed’s Credibility | ZeroHedge

And the “Not Quite Right News” story of the day:

Deadly ‘Fat-Tailed Scorpions’ Swarm Egyptian Town After Flooding – At Least 500 Hospitalized | ZeroHedge

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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