NQRNews HLs for 2 Aug: COVID Source and China in the News

NQRNews HLs for 2 Aug: COVID Source and China in the News

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Lots of articles today implying Wuhan Lab as the source of a COVID Leak that is rippling through the planet still! Perhaps as early as September 2019. Now we are up to naming variants based on the Greek alphabet. You would think that China would take this opportunity to have the rest of the world use their alphabet…

Here is one indicator:

Congressional Report Questions “Unusual” Activity At Wuhan Lab Involving “Air Disinfection, Hazardous Waste Systems” | ZeroHedge

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 2 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

Can’t say as I blame him for placing the blame:

Afghanistan president blames ‘sudden’ US withdrawal for worsening security situation | TheHill

Information news:

This is not surprising if you’ve been paying attention:

Fmr US Intel Boss: COVID Lab Leak “Very Close To A Certainty” After Seeing ‘Most Sensitive Intel’ Related To Pandemic | ZeroHedge

Military News:

What is surprising about this article is that the US Navy didn’t already have a naval “strategery” oriented on China! Were they waiting for an invitation from Taiwan or for money to magically appear in a new Democratic administration? Which they should’ve known was headed to social programs:

Pentagon needs reorg before Navy can develop maritime strategy, says Rep. Luria (defensenews.com)


This just means China is looking for an advantage:

China seeks common ground on US IPO rules – Asia Times

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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