NQRNews HL’s for 21 June 21: First Day of Summer. Iran in the news, Economic Warning for the US, COVID Hitting Some Countries Hard

NQRNews HL’s for 21 June 21: First Day of Summer. Iran in the news, Economic Warning for the US, COVID Hitting Some Countries Hard

(Image by borgenproject.org)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for 21 June, 2021. If you are fortunate enough to live in a western capitalist democracy, chances are very good today’s image is something you are not familiar with. Too many people on the planet live in poverty. It is amazing to me that the young man in the picture can smile. Take a moment to think about those that live like this youngster and his sister. We must do better. Even in the west.

Here are the NQRNews Highlights:

Diplomacy News:

What should be “non negotiable” is Iran terrorists having an opportunity to leave Iran and speak at the UN:

Iran president-elect says missile program is nonnegotiable | TheHill

Information news:

UM is a huge fan of Michael Snyder and his ‘Economic Collapse’ website. Imagine not having everyday items you need in a western world country:

On The Verge Of The Unthinkable | ZeroHedge

Military News:

I say again, it appears to me, the US Military has many more problems than ‘white supremacists’ in the ranks. Help is needed for veteran’s with mental health issues. Where is the SecDef on this need?:

Four times as many troops and vets have died by suicide as in combat, study finds (militarytimes.com)

Economic News:

Airshows are great places to see the latest airframes, spies to mingle and the Aviation Industry to make Billions:

Zhuhai 2021 to draw PLA’s latest, greatest warplanes – Asia Times

A ‘not quite right news’ follow up story:

COVID is NOT gone. There are variants in the wings and many countries suffering. Total deaths as of today; 3,868,790. Thanks, PRC:

Indonesia hits 2 million cases as crisis deepens – Asia Times

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

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See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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