NQRNews HLs for 27 July: COVID “Mandated”?, Taliban Unhappy

NQRNews HLs for 27 July: COVID “Mandated”?, Taliban Unhappy

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

The US government is on the verge of mandating all citizens to get the COVID vaccine. Call Uncle Mike a sceptic, but shouldn’t it be ‘their body, their choice’? The Delta variant isn’t as deadly as the Wuhan Virus, but more transmissible. Shouldn’t we shoot for herd immunity instead of shooting at protestors that don’t want an experimental vaccine? IMHO, this isn’t going to help, as the virus is going to mutate again. That’s what virus do.

Here are some other news highlights for 27 July:

Diplomacy News:

Taliban not happy with US Airstrikes. Must be working….:

US increases airstrikes to help Afghan forces fight Taliban | TheHill           

US stepping up airstrikes this week to support Afghan forces (militarytimes.com)

Information news:

The US government is “MANDATING” that government employee’s, first to fight and anybody else they can ‘mandate’ to that they MUST get the jab, but on the border they are letting people with COVID travel, (with US military help!) to other states in the US?!:

Over 40,000 Mostly-Unvaccinated Migrants Released By Biden Skip Out On ICE Appointments | ZeroHedge

Great Britain the surprise story of the Olympics to date:

Tokyo Olympics: Team GB claim six medals on day four following historic swimming and gymnastics success | World News | Sky News

Military News:

“Integrated Deterrence” is the new mantra for warfighting or how to get more money from the taxpayers and hopefully some allies:

Pentagon chief calls for new regional order in Indo-Pacific (defensenews.com)

Must be that Biden Policy to kick out all the Amish Hellsters is working!:

Outlaw biker and street gang activity in the Army drops dramatically, internal data says (armytimes.com)


A whole new industry:

Nanotech-built armor could replace Kevlar, steel for soldier protection (armytimes.com)

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Have a great week!

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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