NQRNews HLs for 3 Aug: January 6 Riot Perspectives, COVID Climbing

NQRNews HLs for 3 Aug: January 6 Riot Perspectives, COVID Climbing

(Image by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

For NQRNews readers that have been here from Day 1, you know Uncle Mike pitches 3 sides to every story. Today’s story is January 6. You have the Democrat’s side which in a nutshell, the 3rd impeachment of Donald Trump. Pin the “insurrection” (def: a violent uprising against authority or a government), and by definition one could call it an insurrection. The trauma caused by the event of 1/6 is harrowing for the Capital Police. A fourth officer has committed suicide apparently as a result of 1/6. The democrat perspective is no less than ever Trump MAGA member or American Flag carrier from that event is a murderer.  Here is a link to the latest suicicide:

4th Police Officer Who Was At Jan. 6 Capitol Breach Dies By Suicide | ZeroHedge

The Republican’s perspective is the Democrat’s have seriously overplayed a hand that is untruthful and will not be investigated. The feeling is Pelosi’s gavel is being used to silence any evidence that indicates the protesters were egged-on by the CPD, or defense with 14,000 hours of video is only for the prosecution.  Especially if that video may provide images of the CPD being abusive with flashbang devices, pepper spray, baton’s, etc. You know, the things cops use on black people that aren’t in the BLM Foundation. Questions are many including were there FBI or DOJ personnel that were in the crowd instigating right wing knuckleheads to violently riot. Here is an article with some excellent questions:

Questions that Won’t be Asked by the January 6 Commission – American Thinker

The bottom line here is there are two America’s. There is a Biden/Deep State America that wants to exploit 1/6 and COVID to maintain power over the entire country. And there is another America that doesn’t want to be abused by excessive tyrannical government, experimental COVID vaccine’s or a shadow government that locks citizens up without a fair and honest trial.

Here is an article that explains the difference between the two America’s:

Two Americas, Two Different Belief Systems – American Thinker

The only way to resolve this is with a fair and honest election that must be handled better than 2020. Because a judge didn’t hear the case, does not mean no cheating occurred. It simply means, the judge(s) don’t want their house burned down. (Off track, but did you notice that since Biden was placed in office, you don’t hear a peep about rioters in Seattle of Portland? They magically went away when the Democrats got in power. Or the money stopped showing up to buy bricks and bail out Antifa rioters).

The election of 2022 can’t come soon enough. The country deserves to know what elected leadership really leads the country. The government carrying Joe Biden’s presidency or the MAGA millions that are having their voice silenced.

Here are some other news highlights from NQRNews for 3 August 21:

Diplomacy News:

This isn’t taking long at all:

Taliban captures 9 of 10 districts in capital of Helmand province | TheHill

Information news:

Talk about your cluster! Who is running the Biden administration? Flip-flop, waffle or circle jerk back:

After Claiming Hands Tied, Biden Admin To Issue ‘Targeted’ Eviction Ban | ZeroHedge

Maybe this is Wuhan 2 instead of ‘Delta’:

Mass testing ordered amid outbreak in Wuhan | TheHill

Military News:

Pentagon plan; Keep the National Guard deployed so much, it’s impossible for COVID to find them:

Breakneck pace of crises keeps National Guard away from home (militarytimes.com)

Another not so ‘civil’ Civil War:

As Ethiopia’s Civil War Rages, Bodies Float Downriver Into Sudan – The New York Times (nytimes.com)


Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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