NQRNews HLs for 3 Dec: Biden Administration Releases Military Extremism Cases Numbers

NQRNews HLs for 3 Dec: Biden Administration Releases Military Extremism Cases Numbers

(Cartoon by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

The Biden Administration is obsessed with race and functions as via hypocrisy. Here is just one indication of they operate.

The US Department of Defense has finally released numbers indicating the number of racist extremist cases they have counted from 1 January to September 30. Here is the link to the article:

Army reports the most racist extremism cases, Marines the most anti-government (militarytimes.com)

“The Army reported 33 allegations of “racially motivated violent extremism,” while the Navy had 30, the Marine Corps had seven and the Air Force reported none.”  -Meghann Myers

The Air Force used a different measure and apparently tallied 102. Let’s call the total 172 for simplicity. So far this year the US military claims 173 racist cases.

Let me enlighten you on those numbers. The latest numbers indicate 1,417,370 active-duty members. There are another 857,261 reservists. Here is the DOD demographics source article:

U.S. Military Demographics | America’s Promise Alliance (americaspromise.org)

The article doesn’t go into detail to explain a breakdown of where the racist service members were. I would expect the majority were discovered early in their military service life, such as basic training or initial entry training sights by competent NCOs.

For a comparison, the US military death rate by suicide in 2020 was 384 on active and a total of 580 for the year. Here is my source:

Military Deaths by Suicide Jumped 25% at End of 2020 | Military.com

It appears to me the US military has a greater problem with suicides than it does with racism. A problem that is being swept under the rug to avoid the stigma of suicide the military is failing to address.

From the first day of basic training, the US military directs recruits that there are equally charged with defending the country. Diversity was not emphasized in the past. Not it is taught when the recruits should be instructed, they are “one team, one fight”. Yes, it’s true there are some racist in the military. I will tell you even one is too many. But racism isn’t the problem that the DOD and the Biden administration make it out to be. It is an excuse to inject divisive training to breakdown and cause disunity within the US military. This focus will weaken the US military and get more service members killed in the next war.

The US Department of Defense has lots of problems. Focusing on racism in the ranks is a misplaced focus. Let the NCOs and the senior leadership do their jobs to ID racist and kick them out of the service. Focus should be applied on equipment, training, and operational defense of the country. Not to mention greater emphasis on suicide prevention within the ranks.

Did you notice they have gone back to Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” program? After they originally blasted the concept.


Now about the US oil business….

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted articles for 3 Dec.


The finger pointing in Ukraine continues:

Kremlin claims Ukraine may try to win back rebel-controlled regions by force | TheHill


Is West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin a voice of reason in the cesspool that is the US Government?:

Manchin Joins GOP Effort To Nix Biden’s Vaccine Mandate For Large Businesses | ZeroHedge

Tip of the Omicron iceberg:

COVID-19: At least 50 people infected with Omicron variant at Christmas party in Norway | World News | Sky News


This is COVID mandate resistance:

Oklahoma governor, AG sue Defense Department over vaccine requirement (militarytimes.com)


What do the “rich” 1%ers know that they aren’t telling the rest of us? Watch what they are doing, like dumping stock and stepping away from their positions at the top:

What Do They Know? Insiders Are Dumping Stocks At The Fastest Pace In History | ZeroHedge

And a bonus “Not Quite Right” article for you. Something you don’t read everyday:

Zambia crocodile attack: British teenager Amelie Osborn-Smith injured while rafting | World News | Sky News

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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