NQRNews HLs for 31 July: Blue Nile Dam, UK Questions Afghan Policy, Turkey Wildfires

NQRNews HLs for 31 July: Blue Nile Dam, UK Questions Afghan Policy, Turkey Wildfires

(Image by AFP Ethiopian Public Broadcaster)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

With a global population pushing 8 million people, in spite of the mass casualty event that is COVID or the Wuhan Virus, you will find that the majority of violence is due to the struggle for resources. The most precious of which, is water. You will also find China neck deep in resource acquisition, construction projects, and funding third world countries on a bi lateral agreement. These agreements may work well for China and country X, but not so much for country Y or Z. Good thing we have the UN and organizations like the World Health Organization that investigated the Wuhan Lab. Do not expect any organization to hold the PRC accountable. Yet the US has the democrat party that wants to get in bed with the CCP and emulate them in the states.

Ask India and SE Asia how wonderful working with the PRC is over water rights. Or human rights. (Ask Tibet, the Uighars, Myanmar…)

Diplomacy News:

The next “war” will be fought over water. You can bet, just like this story, that China will be involved. I’m sure this will end well for… no one:

China in the middle of Nile mega-dam feud – Asia Times

Here are some other news highlights for 31 July:

Retired Brit military leader “telling like it is”. Twenty years and now what?:

General calls on Boris Johnson to set out new strategy to stop Afghanistan becoming terror base | The Independent

Information news:

The western US isn’t the only place on Earth dealing with massive fires:

“Apocalyptic Scenes” – Wildfires Consume Turkey  | ZeroHedge

Military News:

Helluva a way to run a railroad! I have no words:

DoD really has no idea who it’s hired to do private security, report finds (militarytimes.com)

Somebody is trying to get ready for the next war:

Lawmakers want answers on US Army plans to protect vehicles from drones (defensenews.com)


I hope the US Congress doesn’t find out about this! They will try the same thing:

Double tax, bandits on Pakistan-Afghan trade route – Asia Times

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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