NQRNews HLs for 5 Jan: January 6th, 2021. A Date That Will Live ‘Politically’

NQRNews HLs for 5 Jan: January 6th, 2021. A Date That Will Live ‘Politically’

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

Uncle Mike

Tomorrow is the ‘anniversary’ of the J6 riot. The breathless hyperbole of the leftist Democrats is already turned up to 11. Please feel free to listen to tonight’s national news to get all (just) the facts. I am inclined to believe you will not get them on MSNBC, CBS, ABC, or CNN.

It has been a year now. Congress in the form of Nancy Pelosi, the democrat national party, and two GOP congress people are investigating the J6 event (insurrection, riot, political tailgate party with knuckleheads on all sides, etc.). I do NOT think this investigation will fair by any means. Some people that were there, have been locked up (charged?) for almost a year. Some in solitary confinement.

I wasn’t there. I can only offer an opinion based on questions I have. Let’s go chronologically:

  1. What steps were taken to prevent J6?
  2. Who was responsible for those steps of protection not getting taken?
  3. On J5, apparently there were pipe bombs placed at the capitol. January 5 Pipe Bomb Investigation: Route and Video of Suspect — FBI : So people in leadership positions were aware of criminal actions the day prior. Who laid those pipe bombs? It’s been a year.
  4. There were still no “Formal” requests for law enforcement support. However, Acting AG Jeffery Rosen took actions to deploy special operations forces behind the scenes. Why? What did he know? Feds Finally Admit Secret DOJ “Commandos” at Jan. 6 Trump Protests With “Shoot To Kill” Mission — The Republic Brief
  5. These special operations forces had “Shoot to Kill” orders. If they were there, (and apparently they were), why didn’t they shoot to kill any of the rioters? There are pictures of these forces. Rifles in hand. The congress in the building that suffered PTSD from the traumatic event were unharmed. They weren’t shot like Steve Scalise ®. If it was so out of control, who failed to authorize deadly force on the “insurgents”?
  6. There are people in the crowd that were ‘agitators’ that have not been arrested. They basically just stirred the pot. Who are these people? Why haven’t they been arrested? Were they undercover FBI or DOJ personnel (as was done in Michigan in the Gov ‘kidnapping’ event?) sent there to create a public spectacle?
  7. Five capital police officers died (after the event). A hundred were hurt. There were multiple locations of breaches at the capitol. Some were peacefully let in the building. Other’s areas were apparently opened by police? Where is the video to prove or disprove the breaches?
  8. If this is a transparent investigation, why hasn’t ALL VIDEO been released, regardless of what they show? It appears the video is being manipulated to show only the democrat perspective of events. Is this transparency?
  9. Ashli Babbitt was the woman shot by capitol police officer Lt. Michael Byrd. An article dated 14 April 2021 notes the “Probe” was closed: U.S. Closes Probe of Capitol Police Shooting of Woman Killed in Jan. 6 Riot | U.S. News® | US News  Why wasn’t Lt Michael Byrd tried for involuntary manslaughter? Who authorized him to use deadly force? Yet, armed soldiers, on site, never fired.
  10. Lt Byrd said he saved “countless lives” that day. This is his opinion. An unknown. What’ is known, he killed an unarmed woman. An US Air Force veteran that was unarmed. Officer who shot Ashli Babbitt during Capitol riot breaks silence: ‘I saved countless lives’ (nbcnews.com) Why hasn’t he been put on trial in front of a jury?
  11. There is video of capitol police beating Rosanne Boyland to the point where she was incapacitated. You can see a man yelling that she needs help on the video! Yet the report post J6 says she died from an overdose. What is the truth of Rosann Bayland’s death? Capitol Rioter Rosanne Boyland Died From Drug Overdose, Not Trampling: M.E. (thedailybeast.com)  Why haven’t the police officers, whoever they were, been put on trial for police brutality? How many other “insurrectionists” were subjected to overzealous police officers? Who was overseeing and giving orders to the capitol police?
  12. Once inside the capitol, there were dozens of incidents of true idiots going into offices. Of particular note, was one idiot that was in Nancy Pelosi’s office. While there (it was trespassing), did this individual deface her office (pee on her desk? Poop in her trash can? Rip up a copy of the State of the Union or other paperwork from her desk? Did he even fire up a ‘doobie’?)? This fool should undoubtedly be held accountable, but a commission of treason, no.
  13. Buffalo horns guy was wondering the capitol with police visible as he walked. Why wasn’t he in handcuffs? OK, so we know he has some mental issues, but he obviously presented such a great photo for the anti-Trump media that they presented this nutjob as THE TRUMP SUPPORTER. What is this fool’s status today?
  14. How many trespassers into the capital that day had A) guns, B) knives, C) pipe bombs? You can make a weapon out of a pencil. Yet, these trespassers, some walking through the building were armed with cameras. Yet they have all been lumped together in the category of treasonous bastards.
  15. The videos outside show rioters using flags as weapons. How many of those people were antagonized by police or egged on by law enforcement plants to create the event? If the police used the weapons of riot control on the crowd (specifically flashbangs) that could be interpreted as weapons of attack, were some of the rioters justified to fight back?
  16. How many J6ers are in jail without charges? How many are in isolation? How many are being mistreated as political prisoners rather than actual criminals?

I am all for criminals being held accountable. Those that burn buildings, shoot lasers at cops, or throw bricks or attempt to burn policemen in there workspaces. This J6 event was not that. The current investigation will not address exactly why this happened. The fact is the election of 2020 had questionable voting practices, in multiple states, at synchronized times, that was directed by someone. These are facts (OR NOT) that were never investigated. When questions arose and were submitted through the courts, no actions were taken that addressed the observations that accounted for criminal voting malpractice in at least six states.

The current investigation is designed to prevent Trump from running in 2024. They couldn’t get him with impeachments. Even after he was no longer the president. They must do whatever it takes to prevent him from being able to disrupt the actions and activities of the government in the nation’s capital.

I will not be watching the political theater that begins tonight. It is not worth my time. But I will get the popcorn to watch the upcoming activity to rid the US congress of any democrat candidate that decides they can usurp the Constitution by overplaying a losing political hand.

November can’t get here soon enough.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 5 January 2022:


Got to love the new year starting with the Biden Team (Obama 3) starting a tit-for-tat trade war with a neighbor:

US dairy industry claims victory over Canada in trade pact dispute | TheHill


Omicron is bad enough, but now they want to scare people with “Flurona”:

First Two ‘Flurona’ Cases Detected In US: Officials | ZeroHedge


Didn’t provide enough protection last year for a ‘known’ adversary, so they will overcompensate for a speculative adversary now:

Capitol Police working more closely with DoD ahead of Jan. 6 anniversary (militarytimes.com)


What are your political ‘leaders’ doing to get control of inflation? Tip of the iceberg:

Inflation: Governments worldwide face growing pressure to respond – CSMonitor.com

Right on top of the ‘not quite right news’ is this. Some people will do anything to get away from COVID. Enter, UK medical officer Captain Preet Chandi. She is the first person to reach the South Pole on foot (basically) since COVID started. Well done Captain Chandi:

Polar Preet: British army officer becomes first person to reach the South Pole on foot in two years | UK News | Sky News

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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