NQRNews HLs for 6 Jan: Democrat Politicians Push Divisive Agenda on Anniversary of J6 Riot

NQRNews HLs for 6 Jan: Democrat Politicians Push Divisive Agenda on Anniversary of J6 Riot

(Image by Shutterstock.com)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

A few things to ponder on the ‘anny’ of J6. When Trump won in 2016, the left rioted. During the campaign, Kamala Harris threatened that the protesters are “not gonna let up! They are not gonna let up! NOR SHOULD THEY!”. She wanted the violent protest to strike fear into the GOP voters, telling them that they would continue to see rioting if Trump won. After Trump defeated Clinton, Harris stated boldly that Don Trump was “illegitimate”. Just as with George Bush’s election, the democrat politicians did not accept the results.

For the 2020 election, the democrats needed to get rid of Trump any way possible. The democrat political hierarchy spent five years, $100Million on investigations, impeachments and daily attempts to prevent any Trump policies from being implemented. Not because they didn’t want the policies, they did not want the man as the President implementing policy and creating productivity in the US. Essentially, the D’s wanted status quo with Hillary serving as Obama 2.0. Trump upended that apple cart. The gravy train in DC politics was put on notice that business was going to change. This change threatened everyone, even the GOP RINOs (Republican in name only) in DC.

The year of 2020 was a riotous year with not so “peaceful” protest. Seattle and Portland in particular were sites of unbridled carnage that the media sided with and failed to report accurately. A CNN reporter (tool?) literally stood in front of a burning building and claimed that it was ‘mostly’ “peaceful” protest. Rioting and violence against police was advocated by some Democrat politicians. The American voters were threatened by politicians, the media and cultural elitists. During 2020 almost 2500 police officers were injured during George Floyd (BLM) riots. Leftists’ politicians clamored for “defunding the police”. They didn’t care one bit about the police officers injured by the Democrat rioters. Their reasoning was police officers were on a campaign to kill blacks across the nation. This is the image the media choose to publish. No Democrat politicians stood up to counter the narrative.

Democrat billionaires providing millions of dollars to purchase behind the voting scene tools to usurp the voting protests feeling that Trump needed to be defeated by any and all means necessary. Including breaking voting laws. Bill Gates (over $400Million?) and George Soros (unknown) are literally culpable for the aftermath of the election for the efforts they funded and promoted to get rid of Trump. They used money and power to sway the election, bypassing election laws to sway the voters. One example, preventing the Hunter Biden laptop story from being reported. Neither man has been investigated, but there is information that notes their efforts to bypass the US voters. They should be scrutinized much more in 2022/2024.

The number I heard was 149(?) police officers were injured on J6. Four died later and as many as 4 more committed suicide in the months to follow. These tragic deaths are political fodder for the current democrat leadership to use for political gain. NOT to bring the country together! But to be placed on a pedestal of political trash talk to push political narratives. There was never an investigation into election fraud. The same politicians that claimed Trump cheated in 2016. The sole purpose of the events in DC today are to keep Don Trump from being president again.

Understand this. I DO NOT LIKE TRUMP. He is a rich, arrogant, egomaniac with an annoying speech pattern. He is not someone I want to have a beer with. That said, I agree with nearly all his POLICIES. The political differences in the USA are nearly untenable. The path of the cult of communism that the democrat left is pushing is unacceptable by millions of Americans. By not accepting VOTER ID, the democrats show they do NOT WANT FAIR ELECTIONS! This is why J6 happened. Not Trump being Trump. By politicians not accepting why events happen and gaslighting an American Electorate that understands what is happening. The election wasn’t fair and people wanted to express both their anger and that they were aware of what went on. There wasn’t another 6 Jan 2021 event today because the message was sent to Democrat politicians. To the media. To the Billionaires buying elections. The courts chose not to listen to lawful inquiries prior to J6. The D’s in DC used the date to create an event to exploit for pushing the political narrative that it was Trumps’ fault. The people know better.

US citizens are beginning to understand the politics of DC, the media and Billionaire psyops (Psychological Operations. Operations that take information and present it, so the target audience is induced to perceive information in a way the source intends. Not what is necessary right) that are occurring.

Hearing democrat politicians blame Trump voters for J6 is understandable. It is the narrative they must push to maintain power. For the Dems not to understand the cause and the ramifications of the political persecution of people that don’t believe the way they do is unacceptable.

Somewhere, in the democrat party, a leader must pull the democrats from their collective communist cult, that the US population MUST be under their heel, MUST conform to their intentions, or suffer the consequences with political prison, elimination of freedom and even death if they do not kneel.

The collective right must also understand, the US only survives with compromise.

I see a ‘bad moon rising’ folks.

Peace. Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 6 January 2022:


Will be interesting to see how South Africa feels about this:

Blinken appoints new special envoy Satterfield to Horn of Africa | TheHill


The media is breathlessly pushing for the “new variant”. The XI’an variant:

Xi’an Variant has China spooked… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

World record set for confirmed COVID-19 cases, WHO says | TheHill


On to something more ominous. Yes, the beheadings have begun. Russian military forces inbound:

Kazakhstan: Dozens of protesters killed and security forces decapitated as Russia-led troops fly in for ‘peacekeeping’ mission | World News | Sky News


I am not Nostradamus, but do have a History BA. I think we are in for some turbulence in ’22:

US Stocks Erase All 2022 Gains As Fed Rate-Hike Expectations Soar | ZeroHedge

“Massive Meltdown”: 40% Of Nasdaq Companies Are Down More Than Half From Their Highs | ZeroHedge

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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