NQRNews HLs for 6 July: US Flag Flack, COVID Updates, US Army Issues

NQRNews HLs for 6 July: US Flag Flack, COVID Updates, US Army Issues

(Cartoon by Gorrell)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers, 

Here are news highlights at NQRNews for 6 July, 2021. It seemed like a prime time for the USA to enjoy the Independence Day Holiday, but no. Politics reared its ugly head and we had Politicians and media complaining about the US flag as divisive and the US Women’s Soccer team initially was called out for disrespecting a 98 year old WW II veteran playing the National Anthem on a harmonica, by turning their back on him. Then tried to say they were trying to face the flag. The explanation is being scrutinized due to previous comments made by the team members that indicated their dissatisfaction with the USA. Even if no disrespect was meant, the perception remains that members of the national team are not happy with the USA! The perception is the narrative.

Here’s a thought for the MSM, NPR, and the USWNST. I appreciate your sentiment, but of all times, during the celebration of the nation, you do these things. The Olympics are coming up and some people may watch. The media will make a story from the narrative. IF you are so absolute upset with the USA, you do have the ability to go to ANY COUNTRY YOU WANT! You are not being held captive here and frankly, many of you are not wanted. Go bad mouth the US from China. They would LOVE to have you! Go report on the country of your choosing, from inside that country (like Russia) and see how you get treated. Try to be a representative to another government by saying asinine things about the country you are representing and see how you get treated by their press. And try not to stand for the national anthem of ANY other country at the Olympics, see how you get treated. Enough.

If you aren’t willing to accept the USA as it is, with all its problems, please move to a country you think is better. I’m 100% certain they will treat you just as you deserve to be treated with your new passport.

Diplomacy News:

Positive steps, countries working together:

Israel and South Korea agree to first-of-its-kind vaccine exchange | TheHill

Information news:

This is the Biden Administrations information campaign on the vaccine (threat?). Take credit for “Warp Speed”, rat out non-vaccers, and knock on doors? Maybe they can pay people to get off the couch to push the shot!?:

‘We’ll Go Door-To-Door’: Biden Launching Campaign To Compel Unvaccinated Americans To Get Jab | ZeroHedge

Military News:

The US Army senior level schools seem to have a much greater problem than “White Supremicists”. WTH is going on?:

Army investigates culture and climate at School of Advanced Military Studies (armytimes.com)

Economic News:

Go ahead. Put your investments in China:

With 34 Pending Filings, China Sends A Message: No More US IPOs | ZeroHedge

Have a great 4th of July everyone!

Read about these stories and more at: www.notquiterightnews.com

See you on the net. #notquiterightnews

Uncle Mike

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