NQRNews Homework for 24 April

NQRNews Homework for 24 April

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers:

Hoping this note finds you all well both physically and mentally. The weekend is here and your Uncle Mike will be off the net until Monday.

Last weeks top stories included: Russia (more exactly, Putin) pulling troops off the Ukrainian border, India getting absolutely hammered by COVID, and the development of the MOASS (Mother of All Short Squeezes). More on these and other stories next week.

These times are challenging and the best way to get through it all is to take some downtime. This weekend is a prime time to do that.

If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage, please have one on your Uncle. If not, how ‘bout an ice cream as a viable substitute!?

Either one is fine. Just get out there, get your Vitamin D on and enjoy a brain recharge.

I’ll see you on the net next week.


Uncle Mike
