NQRNews Military Articles for 16 May 21

NQRNews Military Articles for 16 May 21

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers. 

There are dozens of news articles this weekend on military activity. Here are a few highlights.

You may not have heard that Military Generals in both the US and France expressed their opinions on the current political environment within their respective countries. The remarks of these military leaders have their governments and current active-duty military leadership expressing outrage. The political perspective presented by retired GOFO’s (General Officers and Flag Officers for Navy Admirals) with honest views of the current political environment is extremely rare, courageous and refreshing. This topic is captured in an excellent article posted on ‘American Thinker’ by Robert McGinnis:

Is Silence Falling in the Mineshaft? – American Thinker

Here is the link to “Flag Officer’s For America” explaining their purpose:

Flag Officers 4 America

Here is their letter:

2021 Open Letter from Retired Generals and Adm.pdf (wsimg.com)

Along the same lines comes this article about an active US Commander getting fired for his perspective:

Space Force Unit Commander Removed From His Post For Decrying Marxism in the Military (thegatewaypundit.com)

It seems not all is well with some military leaders. Perhaps they have a perspective on the US Constitution that today’s active-duty leadership does not have.

Uncle Mike’s take. These leaders, active-duty and retired need to meet and to be blunt, ‘get their…stuff… together’! This is unsatisfactory for the country. Voices need to be heard and positions expressed, thereby leading to resolution. First step, identify the problem. I am inclined to believe “Flag Officer’s 4 America” have identified the problem. From this comes the need for a meeting from the military leaders. This is an event I do not see occurring any time soon. NQRNews will be standing by…

One other military event that you may have missed. Here is an article that may have been obscured by the Iron Dome usage in the Israel – Palestinian conflict:

Report: Israel Exaggerated Invasion to Lure Hamas Fighters into Tunnels, then Bombed Them (breitbart.com)

Please share with like-minded family and friends. Have a great week.

See you on the net.

Uncle Mike
