NQRNews: Russia Enters Ukraine and More Articles for 23 Feb

NQRNews: Russia Enters Ukraine and More Articles for 23 Feb

(Image sky.news Russian invasion routes map)

Dear www.notquiterightnews.com readers,

The world is in a tizzy (def: excited state) over Russia’s Invasion/non-invasion into Ukraine. Ukraine has called up reservists. The western military powers are beginning to step up with even greater plans to counter Putin after economic sanctions have been implemented. Sanctions that will have absolutely no effect on Putin. Here is who is effected by the sanctions:

Putin’s inner circle targeted by new EU sanctions | TheHill

When they understand the current sanction’s they are applying won’t work, we get this economic beauty:

Biden Reverses Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Waiver, Reverts To Trump’s Sanction Policy | ZeroHedge

The west is finally understanding the are days late and Billion$ short to counter Putin’s move. It is my opinion that Putin didn’t put nearly 200,000 troops on the Ukrainian border to stop with two small sections in eastern Ukraine. Troop movements cost money. Those rubles were spent for a purpose greater than just “peacekeeping” operations. There is already a cyberattack underway. Pray for the people of the Ukraine.  

The biggest problem with this action by Putin is the fact that China is watching every move and counter move as they determine their play for Taiwan. The failure of the west to have a unified strategy of support for the Ukraine has probably provided incentive for aggression by the Chinese now that the Olympics are finished.

In Canada, the ‘emergency powers’ that Trudeau employed to go after trucker convoy supporters are having negative ramifications for the government. He called for the accounts of those that supported the truckers with funds on a crowdfunding website to be frozen. Apparently, for every action, there are opposite reactions. The frozen accounts have caused a backlash:

Suck on this, Trudeau… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

Some things work against ‘the man’. One is using your money to by taking it away from “them”. This not so bright, vindictive move to prevent people from having access to their funds, led to a “bank run” (def: when large groups of depositors withdraw their money from banks simultaneously based on fears that the institution will become insolvent). This led to the government rethinking preventing citizens who were using their freedom with their money to do what they thought was right to support the truckers. Not with violence, but with economic power. The actions of Trudeau and his government have been actions of fascists leadership. It is overreaching, unnecessary and ridiculous. It hasn’t prevented anyone from not getting COVID.

Another takeaway from the actions taken in Canada. I can find no other western leader that condemned Trudeau’s actions. That doesn’t bode well for the rest of US. They (western govs) are all trying to see how close they can get to a line, not to be crossed over, and still use their power to control and overreach with their tyranny on every citizen.

Next up is the US Freedom Convoy headed to DC which will be met by the US National Guard. It will be interesting to see in social media comments by the National Guard members is equal to the trash the Royal Canadian Mounties were saying about the truckers and their fellow Canadians. The internet doesn’t forget. It captures and if you ‘play’ on social media, you are like a drunk. You lose inhibitions. Whatever you think, ‘feel’, and want to say comes out and it’s there for the planet to see and remember. The Mounties got caught speaking ill of the truckers.

I’m happy there weren’t any cell phones or social media back in the 70s and 80s. I have enough skeletons in my closet that I don’t need my life from 40 years ago re-hashed for haters to use today. It was different times, but we collectively dealt with the USSR 30 years ago. Today the US couldn’t even deal with Afghanistan.

See you tomorrow.

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 23 Feb 2022:


Russian attempt to flip the narrative. Russian sanctions will have ZERO effect on the US population. It is already sanctioned by the US government which has: eliminated US energy independence, provided 12% inflation (at a minimum. Old standards would have it at about 16%), called up the National Guard to protect the capital from US citizens (something not done on J6, 2021), and used COVID to ‘sanction’ the population with draconian overreaching policies for over 2 years now.

Kremlin: Americans will feel ‘consequences’ of sanctions | TheHill


An Essay with an Asian perspective:

The folly of Putin’s asymmetric war – Asia Times


This on the surface appears as the government using the military against it’s own citizens. Thus the “domestic terrorists” label:

National Guard assistance for DC truck convoys approved by Pentagon (militarytimes.com)


An excellent opinion piece on inflation here from Peter Schiff:

Peter Schiff: The Fed Inflation Fight Will Cause A Recession… And More Inflation | ZeroHedge

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com


Uncle Mike

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