NQRNews Shorts: Does the US Military Have a Drug Problem, Biden Meeting Putin Wednesday-Expectations

NQRNews Shorts: Does the US Military Have a Drug Problem, Biden Meeting Putin Wednesday-Expectations

Bullet Comments on what’s happening:

(Image by ft.com)

Drug Problem vs. Racism in the US Military?

Maybe some sharp young reporter will ask the SecDef about the status of illicit drugs in the military? Ask about the number of deaths by white supremacists in the US Military. Any? Deaths due to suspected illegal drugs at Ft. Bragg; TWO. Not just two deaths, but other incidences of overdoses on Meth and Fetanyl at Ft. Hood in TX. A stones throw from the border which the current administration has ZERO intention of dealing with:

Drugs suspected in case of two Fort Bragg soldiers found dead in barracks (armytimes.com)

And this story that was barely reported about the death of another Ft. Bragg soldier back in December 2020:

Divers searching for soldier’s body in ocean off Outer Banks | Raleigh News & Observer (newsobserver.com)

There appears to be a much larger problem with illicit drugs in the military than racism. BUT, why stop the racism narrative the administration wants to pitch, when there are real problems to fix.

Biden vs. Putin

Zero Hedge has an article on President Biden at the G7 summit and it’s not good. The President had some moments that should create questions about his status as the leader of the free world. US media already has their impression of how wonderful the G7 Summit went for President Biden, what a great job he did and imply how he handled the pressure of being on the world stage with much fanfare. This is untruthful. The President of the USA was actually laughed at and was corrected by other G7 leaders when he failed to keep up with UK’s Boris Johnson as he introduced members during a meeting. (Link here: G-7 members laugh at Biden as he insists on introducing a guest who already was introduced – American Thinker).

Side note, the President of South Africa is black. President Biden made certain to acknowledge that Boris Johnson did not ‘miss’ the South African President but did not mention the South Korean President. Is this another indicator of President Biden’s obsession with race and was this virtue signaling? Biden’s administration appears to be 24 x 7 obsessed with race and it is a detriment to his leadership. This behavior creates an incorrect representation of the USA. Plus, what kind of trade deals are being made with money the USA does NOT have in the name of being a global team player?

The US media will cover for the current deficiencies of the US President by reporting that states he did well and he stood up to Putin. Only the translator will know the truth and he won’t say. Fact: the Biden “bar” of success will be so low, he has already had a successful trip. We will see if my “assessment” of the US media comes true.

Ahead Of Putin Meeting, Biden Confuses Syria With Libya 3 Times In Less Than 90 Seconds | ZeroHedge

Putin already got a concession from Biden when the gas pipeline was allowed to continue. (Another payoff from the Biden team, along with intentions to negotiate with Iran). Putin was a KGB agent. His job was to use information to protect Russia. He will make an assessment of President Biden during their meeting. This assessment will not be disseminated to the public. As a result, Putin will make immediate decisions based on his perception of Biden’s mental acuity and his cognitive abilities. Putin is not the US media and he is not a Democratic political sycophant. This is a perilous meeting for the world. Both sides will indicate all is well, however Putin will come away with information he will use to his advantage. There will be fallout.

Uncle Mike
