NRNews Highlights for 29 Aug: Baghdad Flashback

NRNews Highlights for 29 Aug: Baghdad Flashback

(Followers of Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr gather during an open-air Friday prayers at Grand Festivities Square within the Green Zone, in Baghdad, Iraq, Friday, Aug. 5, 2022. (AP Photo/Anmar Khalil) )

Dear NQRNews Readers,

This week is off to a great start! Unless of course you’re in Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Somalia, or anywhere there are Wagner Russian PMC mercenaries.

Here is today’s lead:

White House calls violence in Iraq ‘disturbing’ but says embassy not being evacuated | The Hill

“Disturbing”. Must be a euphemism (def: understatement). You can bet your petrodollar that Muqtada Al-Sadr has something to do with this. We’ve seen this play before, and it never ends well.

Gang I hope you are all using your free time to educate your American voters and energize your community to vote in November. We are 70 days away.

If you have any doubts who to vote for, keep coming back to I’ll help you.

Uncle Mike


“Sidelined”…. Hope he’s not dead:

Russian defense minister possibly sidelined: UK intel | The Hill


This article should be in the economics block:

The Narrative Of Housing Shortage Beginning To Crumble | ZeroHedge

Japan “gets it”:

Japan will monitor China, new economic security minister says | The Japan Times


Where were they on 6 January, 2021? Day late and million$ short:

Pentagon reviewing how DC Guard is called up for duty (


US could learn something from this:

China won’t let Laos become a Belt and Road debt trap – Asia Times

See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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