Pentagon Offers No Apologies for CoW (Cult of Woke) Path

Pentagon Offers No Apologies for CoW (Cult of Woke) Path

Commentary by Uncle Mike

The Pentagon says it will not apologize for their pushing the Cult of Woke on the US Department of Defense. Here is the link to the ‘No Apologies’ article from

As ‘Woke’ Criticism Grows, Pentagon Says ‘No Apologies’ for Diversity Programs |

The spokesman defended standing by efforts to provide “improve diversity” and “inclusion” citing conservative lawmakers and news commentators that have expressed reservation about the policy. This comes at a time when the services are finding it difficult to find personnel (pilots) that are willing to join or are qualified mentally or physically. Perhaps this is a contributing factor to the switch to unmanned aerial vehicles?

The Pentagon spokesman, Pentagon Press Secretary John Kirby said the Defense Department respects lawmakers’ oversight role, but he declined to comment on any specific efforts from legislators, insinuating the Department of Defense did not have a safe work environment. He didn’t elaborate on whether he thought the previous administration offered an environment that was somehow unsafe. That must be inferred by what was not said.

The Biden administration continues to find solutions to problems that are generally non-existent. Problems such as searching the ranks for ‘white supremacists’, and more recently, attempting to take away the chain of commands ability to use the UCMJ to process sexual harassment cases.

As a military veteran who served when the US military was at it’s peak, I am well aware of internal problems within the branches of the service. But the direction and focus of this political leadership and their attempts to create racial divisions, preferential treatment for artificially manifested gender problems, and re-structuring century old regulations and policies in order to appease a handful of democratic politicians has our global adversaries laughing.

It is a priority for politicians to provide oversight to the military. This is the same military that refused to provide truthful information to President Trump about US military withdrawal numbers, specifically in Syria in 2020. With the new administration, the military leaders CoWtow (def: kowtow-to act in a subservient manner) to the political Cult of the Woke by implementing social experiments throughout the force.

It seems everyday the DOD has a new statement that covers a social aspect of Defense posture that in no way assist in preparing the nations military increased capability to fight our wars.

This failure to utilize the countries military for the specific purpose, to fight and win wars, will undoubtedly come back to hurt this nation. By reducing the ability of our warriors to win the next war, the entire country will suffer. Today’s social experiments, including improving diversity and inclusion without apology, will be difficult to explain if the DOD fails to protect the nation from foreign aggression. The priority should always be providing the best policy and direction to protect this nation from external foes, not to prioritize a political agenda.

Uncle Mike
