Putin Escalates Ukrainian War

Putin Escalates Ukrainian War

(Sky News Image)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today in the USA we celebrate “Indigenous Peoples” Day. Or if you are inclined to remember US history before Obama, Columbus Day. Named for Christopher Columbus, the recognized founder of North America which eventually became the USA (and Canada and Mexico, etc.) and subsequently has now been cancelled. But on my calendar, it identifies today as both Chris Columbus’ Day and IP Day, so celebrate however you want.

While you are celebrating America, please remember that around the globe people are involved in war(s). Lots of them. The biggest one catching all the news is in the Ukraine. After a monstrous truck bombing of a logistics line used by Russia to supply Putins’ war machine we get escalation from the Russia leader once again. He has sent missiles across the Ukraine, killing dozens of people, including women and children.

My greatest fear is escalation of the conflict to stretch beyond Ukrainian borders. Moldova, a neighboring country apparently had their airspace violate by Russian missiles. Putin, who has become even more aggressive (threatening the use of nuclear weapons and now a massive missile strike) feels cornered, even with the covert support he is receiving from multiple countries. Stand by as this one gets even uglier.

South of the US border lies Mexico who seems to be having ‘troubles’ of their own. Cartel violence continues daily and the US Customs and Border Patrol are outmanned and outgunned. While in Washington DC, they declare the border is secure. Let’s be honest here. The White House and the Democrats are lying.

Proof lies from the fact that when illegal immigrants are being bused to Blue cities or anywhere the Democrat politicians live, the illegals are quickly distributed elsewhere. This includes a tit-for-tat move to send them back to Florida where they will get paid for working on Ian cleanup efforts. No one told the illegals where the pay would be coming from. I see another bus ride in their future unless congress gets them money. Money which will come from the US citizens that fund the nonsense being pushed upon us by our leaders in the District of Chaos.

There are plenty more conflicts being waged and placed in the que. Somalia and Burkini Faso had interesting events last week. One had a terrorist leader killed and the other, a coup. Now Kim Jong Un has decided to test his ware missiles and perhaps even a nuke.

In economic news, the US just crossed the $31 TRILLION level on debt. Keep your head up gang! The missiles aren’t flying across the USA. So far.

See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

Here are a couple articles from today’s news, 10 OCT 22.


These missiles will do nothing to get peace talks started:

What we know about Putin’s mass strikes on Ukrainian cities | The Hill


Iranians still showing courage to protest their religious leaders:

UK sanctions Iran’s morality police following death of Mahsa Amini | Politics News | Sky News


Ukraine takes credit for the bridge attack:

Senior Ukrainian Official Confirms Ukraine Orchestrated Truck Bomb Attack On Crimean Bridge; NYT Reports | ZeroHedge

Meanwhile, on the northern front:

White House Arctic strategy calls for enhanced military presence (militarytimes.com)


I am 100% for a 4 day work week:

Four-day workweek: Why more companies are taking the plunge – CSMonitor.com

Thank you for visiting. See you on the internet,

Uncle Mike

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