The Ramifications of “Inaccuracies”

The Ramifications of “Inaccuracies”

Commentary By Uncle Mike

Just pipe down, Boomer! Yeah, you old, loud mouthed, know-it-all! Nobody wants to hear your crap! Just like a tourist that can’t speak the language, maybe if I yell, the tour guide will understand better. Guess what. The tour guide understands just fine. No matter how loud I talk, he’s going to ‘guide’ me where he wants me to go.

Guess what. I’m not gonna go where the Democrats want me to go. Not here in my home. I’m not a tourist in the USA. I know exactly what’s going on. I didn’t get to be this old by listening to or following ignorant people. The current administration and their Team of Blue followers does not deserve my obedience.

Elections have consequences. When the votes are cast, when they are counted and when the winner is announced. There should be consequences for when a vote is, let’s call it, inaccurate. You can’t say a vote is stolen, or that the winner cheated. Not today. Even if both sides know damn well that the dude that won, didn’t win fairly. He was merely selected to get the other guy out. (Let’s see how long it takes for Twitter to pull this down!). Everyday we see the consequences of the November 2020 Presidential election. Those consequences are hard to suffer. Over 100 Executive Orders, divisive rhetoric and the magnitude of the financial crisis can all be attributed to the current regime. Nobody voted for this!

The Audit. It is a telling sign when the “winner” doesn’t want the vote to be evaluated. Doesn’t want an accurate recount. Doesn’t even want the topic mentioned! Here is the latest on the Maricopa County Audit. (Maricopa County Defies Subpoena, Won’t Release Hardware For Election Audit Over ‘Security Risk’ | ZeroHedge) If team Blue really won, wouldn’t they be tickle magenta to have the results exposed at every level to acknowledge how accurate those 80 million votes are? To say there is no proof of voter fraud is to stick your head in the sand. (Needed: A National Election Fraud Database – American Thinker). Yet, they are taking every step possible to prevent an accurate count from being determined. Why? The “inaccuracy” conceals the power they obtained under questionable conditions.

The Census. Now the results of the 2020 Census have been released and we find out, Team Blue has added millions (2.5 million?) of people to the ‘blue states’ in order to make it look as if they have more people than they really do. Why? Here’s one reason. To maintain power, using false accounting. “Inaccurate” numbers. (Why Did Biden Census Bureau Add 2.5 Million More Residents to Blue-State Population Count? by Stephen Moore ( . A quote from the article: “A shift of 3 million in population is the equivalent of four seats moving from Republican to Democrat.” Four seats to Team Red gives them control of the House. Team Blue can’t let an accurate count of the census stand.

The “Insurrection”. Team Blue says the capital incursion of 2020 was the single most horrific event in this country since the (Un)Civil War. Having just observed the anniversary of Kent State 51 years ago, I think the President and Team Blue need to get a grip. The ‘narrative’ (Defined: A story; concerned with narration) of the hostile, armed takeover of the US Capitol by Rabid MAGA dogs is hyperbolic vitriol. A sad tale certainly. However, there have been numerous ‘massacres’ across the US that are of greater significance than the events of 6 January. Kent State is one of many. US history since 1865 is full of them.

Extremism in the military. February 19th the Secretary of Defense in the USA, General (Retired) Lloyd J. Austin III put out a 4:58 minute video with guidance to the force to explain how the DOD is taking steps to Identify and eliminate ‘extremist’ in the military. This is perceived by politicians as something that was necessary as they (Team Blue and some Team Red) believe the military is full of KKK, Proud Boys and White Supremacists. The intent was clear that the Secretary of Defense was to rid the US military of White Trump supporters. In his presentation, he acknowledged that EVERY SERVICE MEMBER swears an oath to the constitution. Everyone wearing the uniform! He essentially said, you, the American citizens can’t trust your military anymore. Every service member knows that type of person, an extremist of any color, is weeded out. The only colors in the US military are red, white, and blue! If not, the chain of command gets fired. This political act is an over reaction to a problem that is not of significance to the fighting force of our nation. It is an “inaccurate” depiction of our military.

These inaccuracies, this national narrative is political outrage from the current Team Blue leadership in order to place a wedge in the American populace. That is the whole purpose. By using the media, academia, Hollywood celebrities, Social Media Oligarchy and political outrage, the intent is to prevent the US population from coalescing around the concept that we are “One Nation, Under God”. They all would have US forget that! By driving US into tribes, the 10% (give or take) want to control US. They are undeserving of this nation.

The ramifications of this behavior will be seen. These inaccuracies will be manifested by a population that will not follow. We will never ‘bend the knee’ to the tyranny forced upon US by people that have lost the way from the Constitution. Those that seek to subjugate US, to take our freedom, will never rule over US with deception.

Team Red has the power today, but they will not maintain it. It is power based on false narratives, false information, false accounting, and quite frankly lies. This is no way to lead a country, much less the world. The premise of Team Red is One World government, democratic socialism and a ‘Great Reset’. My questions are, how can you rule the world with falsehoods when you can’t even rule a country? The current US leadership must use misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda to control the US population. Imagine what they must say and do to control the world? No matter how many inaccuracies are presented, the ramifications are a world where people will not follow a path that takes away their freedom. Inaccuracies have consequences and they will not go unchallenged.
