Time For an American Alternative to Hollywood

Time For an American Alternative to Hollywood

by Uncle Mike

Admit it. You’re sick of hearing of leftists American actors complain about America. Where is the counter to those complaints? Is there a platform for actors (remember actresses?) to have an alternative to Hollywood? Remember actors that were proud to be Americans? It is well past time for America counter the Hollywood cesspool of robotic producers with ‘US is bad’ themed films that suck up to Chinese money. There has never been a place more in need of freedom than Hollywood. Below are some steps you can entertain to counter Hollywood.

Where to start? Filmmaking is a business. Businesses need money. I know, the US government doesn’t believe that money is important. In the real world of getting things done, money makes it happen. Proof is that China has essentially bought the very soul of California filmmakers. The first rule of today’s leftists producer is, “Thou shall not dis on China”! For any counter to Hollywood in the 21st century, the development of America 21 Filmmaking must have funding. But you don’t need a billion to start.

The pandemic has produced about 600,000 new millionaires. (There are 600,000 new millionaires since the beginning of the pandemic (msn.com)). It doesn’t take $50MM to make a film. Great movies can be made with budgets well under $100,000. It’s time for American’s with vision to make movies again. And I’m not talking comic books or CGI films that you’ve seen, but are just repackaged and created for kids and nerds. Great stories don’t need CGI.

How do the people with money determine where to spend it? Successful films start with great scripts. The best place to find a script is at a film contest. Can anyone tell me where there is a conservative leaning film festival? Google it. Nada. You will find a festival (or ten!) for LGBTQLMNOP specific competition, but nothing on a known festival that is oriented on, not simply conservative films, but just plain centrist, center right oriented films! Tell me of one. Just one to compete your script about how great America is? Nope. Can’t have that. America needs a Film Festival specifically for center-right leaning filmmakers. Perhaps in Dallas. Mr. Beck and Mr. Hannity have made and supported films, but do you know about those films? Can you name those films? Mr. Musk might want to start a film festival in his Texas city that he’s building. The festival could culminate with a rocket launch to the moon. Film that!

So you need some money, and you need scripts. You can get great scripts from contest. We need a location that will be brave enough to host a center-right film festival. You think I’m kidding? If anyone in the film industry discovers a bunch of right wingers want to take a buck from their empire, you can best believe woke-testers (protestors that are paid to stir up feces) will be out en masse with their bullhorns and bs to stop the shows. It will take a city with courage and cops to brave the nonsense.

Say we find a city with courage enough to hold a filmmaking contest for the right. What next? The festival finds the scripts, now we need the talent. There is talent for days out there that just wants to act. Talent that can be found in not just Christian themed films, but old fashion films that have good guys (or gals! Suck on that boomer term generation zero’s) versus bad guys. I don’t believe every cowboy story has been told. Yes, Virginia, there are 21st century cowboys, you just can’t see the white hat. Probably racist.

A side note. When was the last time a middle aged white male wasn’t made out to be the anti-christ or a buffoon. Watch any commercial on regular TV today. There are no straight white males in America. They are gone. Even McCounaghey has stopped so he can ponder his shot at politics. Money was given to BLM and the Obama’s to make movies and they didn’t have any experience or scripts. But they got MILLIONS. Hell, try to make an alternative US movie streaming site to counter Netflix! That will take serious money.

Don’t get me wrong. You read the last part and are thinking, Uncle Mike is a “white supremacists” that was kicked out of the military for a tattooo of a shamrock on his ass. That’s not the point. It isn’t just white, male American talent being marginalized, it’s any talent that wants to imply the USA is a great country.

Here’s an example. Imagine a film, in Spanish about an 18 year old Guatemalan boy or girl that comes to America to get away, not just from crime, but socialistic policies of a restrictive government? They come to America for freedom and… holy crap they vote Republican! You won’t see that film get made. Not even with an iPhone. Films like that absolutely scare the crap out of the left. China will not allow it, and Hollywood, dutifully, will not make it.

With talent, the films get made, boundaries get pushed and awards are sure to follow. Nope. First of all, what was the last awards show you watched? I can’t say that I have watched one. Much less heard of any right leaning film win any award. Perhaps it’s time for an award show that focuses on right leaning or perhaps even, conservative values films to receive awards. Why not?

What are you waiting for? This article has presented a plan, a concept, a way ahead on what can be done to counter Hollywood. If you are tired of hearing Rob Reiner, Alyssa Milano, Cher, Mark Ruffalo, Cameron Diaz, and dozens of other celebrities complain, do something about it. Make your own movie, write your script, start a film festival or screenplay contest. Search for talent to make your own movies. Make your own channel. Be your own American filmmaker. You’ve got a phone. Until some billionaire steps up to counter Hollywood, do it yourself. Be the alternative.

Uncle Mike
