Top 3 stories from NQRNews for 9 May

Top 3 stories from NQRNews for 9 May

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Dear readers.  

Here are the top 3 stories from NQRNews for 9 May, 2021. Lots of Climate Change articles in the news this weekend. Slow news day…


Things are poppin’ in Jerusalem:

Jordan condemns Israel over attacks on worshippers in Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque | TheHill


Terrific article here on Geopolitics from Zero Hedge by James Rickards via the Daily Reckoning. Apparently the Biden administration believes the greatest threat to the USA is not China or Russia, but climate change(?)!:

Rickards: The Sky Is Falling | ZeroHedge


World bankers get their two cents in the news about climate change:

Climate cash: Next step for global bankers is to act on their pledges –

Hope you had a great weekend. Thank YOU for stopping by. Please share with like-minded family and friends.

See you on the net.

Uncle Mike readers.  

Here are the top 3 stories from NQRNews for 9 May, 2021. Lots of Climate Change articles in the news this weekend. Slow news day…


Things are poppin’ in Jerusalem:


Terrific article here on Geopolitics from Zero Hedge by James Rickards via the Daily Reckoning. Apparently the Biden administration believes the greatest threat to the USA is not China or Russia, but climate change(?)!:

Rickards: The Sky Is Falling | ZeroHedge


World bankers get their two cents in the news about climate change:

Hope you had a great weekend. Thank YOU for stopping by. Please share with like-minded family and friends.

See you on the net.

Uncle Mike
