Top Stories at NQRNews for 16 May 21

Top Stories at NQRNews for 16 May 21

Dear readers. 

Here are the Top stories at NQRNews for 16 May, 2021.

When you visit the website you will see stories on:


– United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he is “deeply disturbed” by the Israeli airstrike Saturday

– People who have died from the coronavirus in India have been found in the Ganges River


Another terrific article found at Zero Hedge on COVID:

10 Things We Have Learned During The COVID Coup | ZeroHedge


In Israel and Gaza, the beat goes on:

Israel faces highest-ever rate of rocket attacks: Army, Middle East News & Top Stories – The Straits Times

Yes, there are still troops standing ‘guard’ at the US Capital protecting US government leadership from…. Someone.:

Lawmakers propose $200 million for new Guard quick reaction force to aid Capitol security (

Not Quite Right News Article of the Day:

Your Favorite Uncle Mike is old. I am witnessing lots of crap I’ve seen before. Israel – Palestinian conflict, Gas lines, Inflation, and now political ‘assclownery’ with the Olympics! BUT, we see pro athletes place themselves and their political perspectives on display with social media and at press conferences. It should be no surprise to athletes that want to become political have their sport be used for political purposes.

Roger Federer says athletes need to know if Tokyo Olympics are going ahead | World News | Sky News

UMs’ perspective: keep sports and politics separate. Sports are the populations way to get away from politics. Pro athletes that use their platform for political expression are welcome to express their political views. Freedom of speech is a global priority. However, when the paycheck gets cut because the crowds and viewers stop attending or watching, athletes should expect to have their paycheck impacted.

That said, I hope global government’s do not use politics or COVID as excuses to withhold talented athletes from participation in this year’s game. They are games. Not a global meeting to vent political grievances.

We are continuing to try to improve the site and bring you articles that we feel we need you need to see.

Please share with like-minded family and friends. Have a great week.

See you on the net.

Uncle Mike
