Understanding Corporate News Media Shaping and What to do About it

Understanding Corporate News Media Shaping and What to do About it

Commentary by Uncle Mike

What do you expect from news? Whether it’s nightly TV news, online, social media sharing, or even streaming programs, the producers of our news intend to tell US what to think and how to think, but never…why. The reason they are shaping us to their opinion is not some secret. Most of US are aware what the messages are and what we should think about them. But they never explain why. My premise is, it is well beyond time for the news pushers to explain things. It is up to US to ask them questions that require answers.

News in the 21st-century has changed from what it was in the past. There was a time when the news was just to provide you information on what was happening or what had happened. Some people would even venture so far as telling you why it happened. My purpose in this commentary is to hopefully inform you of what the media moguls are doing and why. You don’t necessarily have to change anything about what you watch or why, but it will behoove you to understand what is being done across the informational and political spectrum. There is a information war occurring and we are all on the front lines.

 Let’s jump forward to the 21st-century.

I would venture to say that any news (100%), and yes, I’m doing it with this commentary!) you watch, listen to or read about has the purpose of shaping your perception of what you should be thinking. Media is a shaped, filtered product that has the intent to sway your thoughts, your opinions or your perception the way the news producers want you to think. It has grown beyond marketing to sell you a product. You are now supposed to buy information that is forced and reinforced upon you constantly.

If you take the big three: ABC, NBC, CBS, and throw in CNN, Fox News and MSNBC, etc. All these organizations have producers that want to shape you for the purpose of not just making money from you but telling you culturally and politically what you should think. They are providing psychological programming. You should understand how large a problem this is. Here is a link: News Coverage Index Methodology | Pew Research Center (journalism.org). This article outlines the methodology of how and what is being done to their audiences. You can read the numbers and they are astronomical.

What are they doing? First, let’s start with the lead story. Across the newsrooms, you will find 99% all present the same lead story. It no longer needs to “bleed”, it needs to present the mass appeal message the producers and their board of directors want to be presented. Here’s a general example. For the four years of the Trump administration 90% of the news presented to viewers was how bad the Trump administration was. The former president was either a criminal, incompetent, or a traitor and 100% of the time he dominated the headlines. This was a constant non-stop effort to inject political opinion into the viewers minds, and it was successful.

These conglomerates weren’t happy with just the hardline news presentations, but they sprung the exact same perception across-the-board in their nightly comedy shows, and other television programming that pushed the same message. It was a constant drumbeat for 4 years how bad things were. A secondary example is how for four years Saturday Night Live had about a 99% push rate that Trump was the antichrist. Their program has not recovered due to pushback from audience saturation with the continuation of negative messaging even in comedy. The show’s messaging became so over the top, they have nearly destroyed their brand.

These efforts were successful as the results of the November 2020 election was positively shaped that Biden and all his negative behavior was uncovered and Trump’s positive aspects were never highlighted, produced a victory for a candidate that never even campaigned. It can be argued that the media was Biden’s campaign!

This political shaping continues today. Polls indicate what a great job Biden has done. After 100 days, the Biden presidency is presented as quite possibly the greatest president we’ve ever known. Even better than Barack Obama! They won’t explain to you what Biden policies are, what has happened or why we are having shortages in products across the board. These facts are not in line with what the media elites want the people in the US (or the world!) to believe. They present you with what is being done is fantastic, while simultaneously showing you that the vice president is standing by patiently prepared to take on the position as President at a moment’s notice. She is totally capable to do even better than President Biden.

The information salesmen (and saleswomen! See, I’m in line with the Cult of Woke! Color me a CoW-boy) all understand the same thing. That’s why you get news and commercials that shape what they want you to do and what to buy. Not even with your money anymore, but with your cultural perceptions and attitude. You know exactly how to answer questions about ‘Woke’. You been told all cops are bastards and antifa are the good guys. You’ve been told that the US military has been overrun with white supremacists. You’ve been told so much crap about COVID, you don’t know whether to wear the mask or burn it.

You noticed that commercials no longer show white heterosexual males as being competent. They’ve also moved that to black heterosexual males. Television shows now have mainstreamed transgender actors on the big three networks. My point has nothing to do with perceptions of homosexuals, transgenders, or the LGBTQ alphabet soup communities the politically correct Nazis want us to think. My point is, we are being told what to think about EVERYTHING.

You need to understand you are being psychologically programmed. You, your family and friends are being targeted in the information war. Your homework for the weekend is to watch, read, and take mental notes on the messages that the big media corporations are pushing on you. Don’t just think about what the messages are, think about why they are sending that message to you? What do they want you to do?

I would offer that this is part of why streaming and recording shows are so popular. Viewers can skip through commercials and disinformation or misinformation that is being forced upon you as a viewer.

So what do you do about it? You will find the messaging and programming that the people that run the large networks are trying to force upon you. You have decisions to make. Do you accept the messaging they push, or do you question it? The first step is to understand what the purpose of them messaging is to you, the target audience. You must educate yourself to understand how to fight back.

Here is one way. Don’t watch. The lack of viewers for things such as the NBA playoffs or the upcoming Olympics send tremendous messages back to the media directors. Viewers equate to dollars. More often, these are likely to be Chinese dollars (or Yuan). This is how China has gotten into the USA’s government, thereby shaping government policy (Wuhan was not the source of COVID, Taiwan is not a country, Uighurs are happy, etc.) and taking some control over our political and industrial leaders. Freedom of speech is something that is no longer tolerated in the US, not just by political adversaries, but by foreign governments that provide massive amounts of money into US media, politicians on both sides and 1% elites.

Another way to create an effect is with your time and your money. These things still matter. What you watch and how you watch it, sends a message back to those people that would try to shape your opinion. Don’t let them shape you. Not watching their messaging is an outstanding way to exercise passive resistance. Don’t spend money on entertainment you find unacceptable, and don’t waste your time on programming that you do not believe represents your values.

Finally, tell other people what is happening. Question the news the corporations are pushing and make them provide answers. Do you need the vaccine? Are there medications I can take if I get COVID? Why is anti-Semitism being accepted across the US? Do we have a “gun” problem or is it a mental health problem? Why are there shortages of _____(insert almost anything here)? Are other nations having the same issues as US? (That is a trick question and the answer is – YES!!) Why is BLM a Marxist group? Why have the western military forces not all been removed from Afghanistan? Why should I invest in Bitcoin? Why are the 2020 election audits not being mentioned? All these stories and more have narratives that you are programmed to accept. ASK QUESTIONS of the media and demand the TRUTH.

Resist to get change.

Have a great Memorial Day weekend and remember our fallen warriors.

Uncle Mike
