US Hispanic Political Opportunity in 2021

US Hispanic Political Opportunity in 2021

I wanted to find an article I wrote back in 2016 that highlighted the opportunity for Hispanic-American’s during the political season of 2021. I couldn’t find it, but I remember my premise. The Hispanic community in the USA had a tremendous opportunity to make a statement in the election of 2020, and they did. I encouraged the Hispanic populace to vote Republican. They, kind of, sort of, did.

Latino voters were decisive in 2020 presidential election | UCLA

The key takeaway from this article is here:

“Nationwide, Latinos cast 16.6 million votes in 2020, an increase of 30.9% over the 2016 presidential election. By comparison, turnout was 15.9% greater among voters of all races. The states analyzed in the report — Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Mexico, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin — are collectively home to about 80% of the nation’s Latino electorate.”

Another article indicates clearly that Latino’s clearly sent the Democrats a message:

Election 2020: How Latinos Around the U.S. Voted (

The fact is, prior to COVID-19, President Trump had produced a nationwide economic increase that was extremely beneficial to all minorities. The introduction of COVID-19 was a terrible factor that is still impacting the global economy today.

The inroads for the US Hispanic population to expand their political clout exist today due to an even breakdown between the Democrats and Republicans. Historically, Hispanics have supported the Democrat Party. But today, after increased support to the Republican Party, the Hispanic community has a tremendous opportunity to seize even greater clout in the GOP.

The USA political climate is at a crossroads. The choice is clear. Choose a democrat and you are providing a voice for socialism, bigger government and mob rule. Choose republicans for smaller government, greater law enforcement and liberty. It’s that easy. The GOP is there for the Hispanic community to fully engage.

The Hispanic community has always had more in common with Republicans than Democrats. For the most part, Latino refugees are fleeing socialism and tyranny. They seek liberty and democracy that is still available in the USA. They are predominately Christian and believe in the sanctity of the family unit.

I have watched the current Democrat party turn into a screaming mob of victimization. The treatment of Brett Kavanaugh and Kanye West were just two examples of people that the left doesn’t want anyone with a different opinion than theirs to be successful. I do not see that kind of activity from the Hispanic community. I see hard working, individuals with spirit and drive. Traits that still ring true in the Republican party. A party that is there for the taking if the Hispanic Community wants it.

I highly encourage American Latino’s to support Republican candidates in the midterm elections of 2022. You might not have the opportunity in 2024 if the Democrats maintain power. I can’t tell the Hispanic community how to vote, but the opportunity to vote and continue inroads to the Republican ideas of smaller government, lower taxes and greater support to families, will provide a greater chance to achieve the goals you and your communities seek. Your country is counting on the Hispanic voters to step up for all American’s. The Republican Party is there for you.
