Watching the Gyre

Watching the Gyre

Commentary by Uncle Mike

Dear Readers,

Went through the news sites of the day and found an article that will give you hope if you are ‘not quite right’ reader.

I found this article surfing at the Silver Bear Café website. Uncle Mike is a big fan of Johnny Silver Bear, his website The Silver Bear Cafe and the writers he posts there. The article is, “The Tightening Noose or Widening Gyre of the Woke Revolution?”, by Tom Luongo. Article Link: The Silver Bear Cafe. (Gyre def: Whirl or gyrate. A spiral or vortex). The premise is the left, with their current Woke Revolution will overreach. The first place we will see this will be in Hollywood. And, yes, it has started. Between COVID crushing the movie theater scene, films that aren’t good, and films that are in your face political messages that you the viewer do not care to see, there is already a backlash. The awards shows lack viewers and even getting cancelled. The self-licking ice cream cone that is Hollywood is losing Chinese money.

Mr. Luongo notes an example of “replacement politics” where he cites strings pulled by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF) on a global scale. A local example of replacement politics is provided as President Obama putting Somali’s in a zip code in Minneapolis. Local government abdicates its’ jurisdiction and soon you have a Somali representative that represents that group in what was once an area of assimilated immigrants.

The premise is the entertainment industry will be the first to identify cultural trend transition. He believes that is happening already in Hollywood as major stuidio’s struggle to gain audiences. Those audiences reflect cultural preferences. Another example posed is how Coke, acting as Woke-a-Cola, got hammered financially with their “be less white” training.

Another indication of cultural change and it’s worth the quote from Mr. Luongo, “today Bill Gates is being thrown to the #MeToo sharks as chum”! Beautiful analysis. It’s fun when leftists chew on their own. Striking enough to make your Uncle Mike smile. If only I could meme!

Mr. Luongo provides an optimistic perspective that the cultural wokeness will eventually play itself out. People will understand the ‘gyre’ for what it is. His fear is the powers that be may start another gyre to try and maintain control. Even more people are waking up to this nihilistic behavior after watching Jews in NY City get attacked and seeing police do nothing.

The American political scene will see the leftist plan for “democratic socialism” for what it is. Failing policy. Fifty percent of the democrat party support “the Squad” and their anti-semitism. The other fifty percent kept their mouths shut and hoped the MSM didn’t mention it. Maybe they can slide by and get Trump back in the gyre.

As happy as the news was to report on Liz Cheney breaking the Republican Party, she wasn’t even close to what happened to the Democrat’s this week between their failure to support Israel and outright displays of anti-Semitism. A word please Senator Schumer? Anything…?

So keep the faith. Grab some popcorn and watch as the show continues. It’s all good and will get better!

Uncle Mike
