We Don’t Need a “Woke” Military, We Need a Military That is AWAKE

We Don’t Need a “Woke” Military, We Need a Military That is AWAKE

Military Commentary by Uncle Mike

If you are a regular to NQRNews, you caught last weekends article dump on the status of the military. Guess what?! In just one week, it’s gotten worse.

You are probably aware that the DOD is having problem with recruitment. You are probably aware that President Biden has an issue getting applause from military audiences. But to get a correct assessment of where we are, please look at what an “adversary’s” recruiting commercial looks like, versus the new “The Calling” ad for the US Army:

Russian Army vs U.S. Woke Army… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS

I thought somebody was showing me a SNL skit or a Disney Trailer! Apparently, the leaders in the Pentagon used tax money for this ad instead of buying bullets. This “woke” ad intends to show “woke” millennials how wonderful a ‘safe space’ the Department of Defense (DOD) is for their lifestyle. This has gone too far. There is a huge difference between being “woke” and being AWAKE. ‘Woke’ is not just about going ‘broke’. This concept of social enlightenment is going to get people killed. Being awake, means understanding that the global adversaries the US and its Allies are fighting against want to kill US and destroy our countries.

This is a snapshot of where the US DOD is in this world during the Biden Administration. We have a Russian commercial showing Ivan the Arctic Attack Commie putting in the paces as a soldier for his country. It is immediately followed by a Corporal (who I am sure is an outstanding soldier. The point of this commentary is not about this outstanding volunteer. I will use “Protesting Penny” in her place). This servicemember starts by saying she/her (whatever the proper descriptor is?) is proud that she could walk down a street with her two Moms and protest. Not that there is a damn thing wrong with that. EXCEPT no military leader will tell recruited Protesting Penny that she/her might get killed on the next battlefield.

The truth is, in today’s Defense Department, no leader has the courage to stand up and tell “Penny” that when it comes to her position in the military, the other side wants her dead. That is their job. Her ‘job’ is to be able to kill Arctic Ivan. But the leadership at the DOD has prioritized telling recruits like Penny, their ‘job’ is to help a recruiter put “Woke” people in the military. Because “Ricky Rocket Arm” (who is white or BIPOC!) isn’t joining.

The current recruit’s, as gung-ho as any recruit ever from this nation, is no match for Arctic Ivan. He is a killing machine that doesn’t give a damn about politics. He and his lineage come from a line of warrior that had “political officers” and understand that political officers cost the Soviet Union world dominance.

“The Calling” is an absolute fantasy of what US military life is like. The military leadership today believes that this soldier is going to be able to use a computer or a UAV to slay this countries enemies. The DOD leadership want these soldiers to displace US military killers with socially ‘woke’ puppets. Political Correctness will get people killed. The Russians know this. If we don’t get it stopped immediately, our chances to win our nations battles is severely impaired, say nothing of winning a war. Not because Penny won’t fight, but because Arctic Ivan doesn’t care about anything except winning. Our woke soldiers want to stand in front of a helicopter with a rainbow flag and express how important it is to have an all gay crew. NOBODY with a military mind gives a damn about an all-gay crew! I want to know that they can fire a missile and kill that Russian tank, ship or aircraft without hesitation to protect my country!

Don’t get me wrong. I respect the young people that want to serve in our armed forces, but the military leadership that approved “The Callling” are political hacks that have lost the understanding of the purpose of the military. The ‘job’ is about one thing. Death. US or them. The ad does not present this fact.

This recruiting ‘statement’ isn’t the only thing raising eyebrows. Last weekend there was an article on the not so secret “Secret Pentagon Army” (Exclusive: Inside the Military’s Secret Undercover Army (newsweek.com)), about a “Signature Reduction” Force that was written about in Newsweek. Oh, the irony. Guess that 60,000 member “secret pentagon army” isn’t really a secret anymore, is it?

And we have an NBC article about the military “spying on servicemembers”. Apparently, the DOD now has the responsibility to use intelligence assets domestically. Who gave that order? Not only is the defense department on an internal witch hunt for Trump’s White Supremacist ‘secret army’ inside our Army, but now they have taken on the task of spying on a domestic threat that Law Enforcement is responsible for? Must be those ‘Defund the Police’ plans of the Democrat party aren’t enough to do the job, so they need the DOD money to do domestic law enforcement. The article states:

“The Defense Department document is the first inside look at how the U.S. military has stepped up intelligence collection inside this country since 9/11, which now includes the monitoring of peaceful anti-war and counter-military recruitment groups.” – William M. Arkin, Newsweek.

Then we have this nonsense. An article by The Intercept that indicates the Pentagon intends to monitor Troops social media accounts. (Pentagon Plans to Monitor Military Social Media for Extremism (theintercept.com). This led to a DOD rebuttal article, Pentagon denies spying on troops’ social media accounts (taskandpurpose.com). Here is a takeaway from this article:

                “Ken Klippenstein first reported on Monday that the military’s Countering Extremism Working Group is developing a program to constantly monitor what service members say on social media for certain keywords indicating extremism. The working group is led by Bishop Garrison, who is the senior advisor to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on human capital, diversity, equity, and inclusion.” -Jeff Schogol, 19 May, Task & Purpose.

If Bishop Garrison wasn’t assigned the task to investigate the internal workings of the services, a job already done by the Chain of Command in an efficient manner for over 200 years, then they wouldn’t need a press conference to explain something that is understandably within the realm of possibility. The Press Conference is necessary because the new DOD leadership are political puppets and no longer serious about defending the US from people that want to destroy the country. US taxpayers are paying $705 Billion for 2021. We don’t’ have enough precision guided munitions, but we have a really nice Disney recruiting ad. If you are an American taxpayer, you should ask for your money back.

Irresponsible leaders in the civilian, military and political leadership, in their attempt to push the US nations’ defenders down a path emphasizing social justice priorities and the search for Trump voters within the ranks, versus war fighting capability, has brought the US military to a position of questionable capability. “Laptop Lou” and “Protesting Penny” may be the finest technological warriors in the world, but when that EMP goes off, give me G. I. Joe.

Heaven help US. Because the Chinese won’t.

This is my opinion. You are welcome to comment on the social media platform of your choice. Just remember, the US DOD is watching US when they should be watching them.

Uncle Mike
