What’s Real?

What’s Real?

Commentary by Uncle Mike

(Cartoon “Uncle Mike” by Gorrell)

There’s a lot of things to question out there these days. I’m certain you’ve found a lot of things out there on the Internet that are fake. For one thing the sports we grew up with are gone. Another thing I’ve noticed is the law that we knew and respected is gone. And finally, the money that we all knew and thought we understood as children is no more.

I don’t believe professional sports is real anymore. It’s no longer about the ‘game’, the winning and losing or “how you play the game”. Professional sports have all turned into political theater where athlete’s wanting to make statements and demand attention to their cause, be it ‘all cops are bastards’, women don’t get equal pay to men, or if you want to be on the ‘team’, you need to take a knee. The athletes all want to be rap stars or actors. Used to be, actors wanted to be athletes. You don’t see that anymore. Note that this weekend LeBron James movie, “Space Jam” is opening in theaters. Been there, seen it. Didn’t like it much the first time. Here’s hoping LeBron and the Loony Tunes make a fistful of money. But, I don’t think they will. It’s been done before and it isn’t really a movie. It’s a cartoon that can’t possibly be as entertaining as the first time it came out and I’m certain there will be political points to be made. I hope I am wrong.

The NCAA has finally stepped up and said that college athletes can obtain income from the use of a players’ likeness. This is long overdue, but doesn’t it seem that it makes college sports a professional business now? I believe the football players will still create all the income necessary for the women’s college sports teams to survive. I don’t see the women’s college soccer team creating enough money to keep their own sport going, much less the entire athletic program. It is good that Title IX exist and women’s sports is to be treated equal to men. Based on 2021, I’m certain there are men that are competing in women’s sports and some company, probably Nike, will exploit he/him/her/she based on their gender decisiveness. Not only women compete in women’s sports now. It is by no means fair to women to compete against men. Is it cheating? Or just another question of what is real.

The next issue of fiction out there is that the United States is a country based on the rule of law. I am 100% positive that the rule of law  is not real now. What is justice now? Is it against the law to protest the government in DC and go to jail (without charges) on the east coast. But burn down a Federal Building on the west coast and you are bailed out within hours. Free to do it all again the next night.

In case you haven’t been paying attention there are at least two tiers of justice in America and quite possibly three. It is selective based on what class of citizen you are, who will fund the crime, and what their political agenda is. I’m also sure that the US isn’t the only country in this unreal situation.

There is one tier of justice that applies to all the little people. Otherwise known as taxpayers. The them, the law is; do as you’re told, don’t question the leaders and wear the mask. Those are the rules for the ones that go to work every day and try to make a go of their life and just want a fair shake. Then you have a set of laws that applies to the criminal element that can commit murder, burn down buildings, and basically rape, pillage, and loot civilized communities and get away scott free by having some political entity provide bail money. These are potential voters of the illegal immigrant persuasion, and race crimes that don’t fit the narrative that ‘whitey’ is the root of all evil. The race criminals will provide the news with the narrative they need to keep money coming into the coffers of Foundations like BLM, but don’t mention the black-on-black crime every weekend in a “blue” city. Are those crimes in Chicago even really crimes. Apparently not to Mayor Lightweight.

Then you have a third tier of justice that is for elites, multi-millionaires, billionaires, and celebrities. Look no further than finding people that can destroy 30,000 emails and get away without being charge for obstruction of justice. Look no further than finding individuals in jail cells that are magically committing suicide before they come to trial. First issue is how are they not being observed in their private cells when they are either risks of being killed or have information that will indict hundreds of elites. Next after they’ve committed suicide, what happens to all the information that they were in possession of that would have expanded and proven the guilt of numerous other individuals? That information disappears faster than a Hunter Biden laptop. Look no further than celebrities found guilty of using date rape drugs to commit rape on a massive scale and get out of prison on a technicality. Then have the audacity to want millions of dollars for the inconvenience of the prison time! Inquiring minds want to know is this in any way, shape or form of justice?

The next item, is art real? I can understand art that is captured from centuries ago and placed in a museum as being of considerable value. I can’t see art that is done by a criminal, receiving up to $500,000 for a piece of his work, when the individual is a piece of work! You can’t tell me that this isn’t some form of money laundering. There’s no way that art is really worth what it is being sold for. This is some nefarious bullshite happening here.

And finally, is money even real anymore? We have about 10,000 crypto currencies out there, led by the number one target, bitcoin. Cryptocurrency creates value for people that believe that it is worth something. As people found out when the weathers bad or when the power is down, it’s very difficult to get your bitcoin. Your not going to go into Walmart and pay for your Fritos with your Bitcoin. OK, so you have to wait a little bit for the power be on and for grocery stores to accept the Leprechaun magical mystery money. But then, across the ocean you could have some large government in charge of 1.4 billion people that says something derogatory about a cryptocurrency, and the value of said cryptocurrency loses nearly $1 trillion in value. Only to invest in their own mining capability and then use their own blockchain magical mystery money. Is that even real money anymore?

It’s not just cryptocurrency. The entire aspect of fiat money (Def: inconvertible paper money made legal tender by a government decree) right now is based on the belief that the system is functioning properly and will continue to do so. You can have XX amount of money in paper currency, that is worth only what someone believes it’s worth. You can trade that paper money for actual goods, still today. But with country after country going deeper and deeper into debt, it is only a matter of time until the Fiat currency is no longer accepted. History proves it will hyperinflate itself to zero value.

Of all these things that are indicative of perceived reality, I am inclined to accept precious metals as one real source of value in the current environment we find ourselves. I have limited faith in the US dollar as the people in charge of the US are bound and determined to destroy its status as a global reserve currency. The Biden administration is pumping Cloward-Piven monetary theory on steroids into the current “Infrastructure” and everything-you-ever-want-for-free Bill that Joe can’t wait to sign. ($6 TRILLION? Yeah, with a “T”). You can see moves by Russia and China to purchase gold and strategical plan an alternative means of global reserve currency when the time is right to destroy the US dollar. At this point, we can’t determine if the US financial leadership understands what they are doing or if it is their intent to destroy the dollar? Is $30 Trillion in debt even real? The Federal Reserve will continue to create magical money until a certain point when reality will step in to say, no more play. “Time to pay”. It won’t be the first time in history this has happened and it won’t be the last. China will experience the same magical mystery within a century.

When the dollar collapses a bit of reality will come from precious metals. Now I can’t tell you what to do kids. But I can suggest to you that you purchase some precious metals, gold if you can afford it, and silver if you can’t. Right now, silver is at a bargain price of $26 an ounce. You can buy one ounce of silver for about $30. You don’t have to be a millionaire to set aside some money to give yourself an option if things go down the toilet. The best thing about precious metals is they are real. You can hold them in your hands and they will have some value.

We can hope for better leaders and fiscal responsibility economically, and it is long overdue. But do you really think the crop os leaders around the world are the ones that are going to be “real” with us? It’s called ‘fake news’ for a reason. Sometimes you must take matters of reality into your own hands.

Make your own assessments on what you believe is real and what isn’t. There are things you can know to be ‘unreal’ and things you know that are real. You will find unreal people in college administrations, entertainment, government bureaucracies, and of course in politics. It’s the people that aren’t real that you have to watch out for. You know how to find them because they are the ones telling you what they think is real.

You know better.

Uncle Mike
