www.notquiterightnews.com Commentary on Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Follow the Money

www.notquiterightnews.com Commentary on Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Follow the Money

(Ukrainian situation map)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

This commentary is opinion. Please take it for what it is worth. An opinion.

 To understand why events in the world happen, you must learn to follow the money. Where did the bricks come from that antifa used to protest before the 2020 election? What does Putin gain ($) by taking Ukraine? Who stands to make Trillions when Biden is President? Who loses millions if Trump is President? Questions the US media won’t even ask, much less seek an answer.

Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine can be reasoned as his attempt to create a buffer between Russia and Europe/NATO. Or he is protecting the Russian homeland from “Nazi’s” (not US Republican politicians, but actual Ukrainian Nazi’s) on his border. Russia has a history of fighting “Nazi’s” and to label Ukrainian’s Nazi’s has a military psychological operations aspect to it that resonates with the everyday average Russian on the street.

Let’s look at the financial aspects of this ‘global’ economic fight. The west is using multiple tactics for financial sanctions to try and influence Putin to cease the invasion. By creating economic pain on the Russian population (it’s not going to effect Putin), the hope is the Russian people will rise and throw Putin out of office, thereby stopping the invasion of a sovereign nation. Yet, Europe (especially Germany) continues to get gas and oil they need to have electricity, heat their homes, drive their Porsches and feed their people. Europeans are not being affected by this invasion for the most part.

How about the US? A barrel of oil now cost $103 as I write this. The USA is still buying about 210,000 barrels of oil AND another 500,000 barrels of petroleum products. That equates to $72 million…a day. That US money is going to fund the Russian government. The sanctions mean nothing unless Europe and the US stop buying Russian energy. To date, this hasn’t happened. This bodes badly for the people of the Ukraine.

Another point of financial emphasis is both China and India failed to condemn the Russian invasion at the UN. They abstained during the vote. China will do whatever it needs to do, to keep Russia from not only financial collapse, but provide other products to keep Russia solvent and her people feed. Bill O’Reilly has said that Chinese banks in Singapore have stopped allowing the sales of Russian oil to Southeast Asian countries. Perhaps China has stopped this, but I imagine workarounds are being negotiated.

China expects reciprocation (def: a mutual exchange, a return in kind or of like value) for their support when they go after Taiwan. After all, Putin did hold off the invasion until after the Olympics so we know they are in cahoots. Also, the intel and information the Biden administration gave China prior to the invasion is reported to have been shared by the Chinese with Putin. India gets military equipment from Russia and needs that third party influence of Russia with China to prevent open conflict with China over common borders in the Himalaya’s. The Ukraine invasion will not end of the Russia-China alliance, only strengthen it.

Russia is using cryptocurrencies to bypass sanctions. The oligarchs that Putin allows to function are taking steps to prevent the sanctions from working. They are making themselves mobile, lowering their profiles and vacationing in the Maldives. The Russian’s have taken another significant step to poke the eyes of the western bankers (Davos attendee’s). They have eliminated the VAT (value added tax) for ordinary citizens to purchase gold:
Luongo: Opening Salvos Thrown, What Are Putin’s Next Steps In Ukraine? | ZeroHedge

This means everyday Russian citizens can purchase gold (without a government tax), which is incredibly stable compared to the “petro-dollar” (def: an exchange of oil for U.S. dollars between countries that buy oil and those that produce it). Coupled with Russian (and Chinese) efforts to divest themselves of US debt, they are establishing a global financial option to the US/EU ‘petro-dollar’ and establish an alternative monetary system to the US monopoly of having the dollar as THE global reserve currency. With a Gold/Ruble/Yuan (GRUYN?) alternative global currency, backed by physical gold, Chinese products, and Russian Energy, an alternative to Western banking (again Davos elites) will be available to other third parties and eliminates the ability of the west to financially control countries that still use the petro-dollar. In effect it means a transfer of TRILLLIONS in wealth from the west to the users of the alternate currency (GRUYN or whatever it will be called). Follow the money.

If the west is unable to control a country, say…. China, from weaponizing financial activity by preventing transfers, that country is capable to do whatever it wants geopolitically without any counterbalance except perhaps military conflict. With an alternative currency based on gold and other tangible commodities (oil, rare earth metals, space vehicles, etc.) other countries will seek opportunities outside the constraints used by western banks.

The conflict in Ukraine is just another round of a financial geopolitical gun fired in a global war for economic supremacy.

I am not a financial advisor, but since the Biden administration has taken over the USA, I am a financial realist. The global financial position of the western banking cabal is going to get worse. Get yourself some precious metals. I would recommend silver (10% savings if you can) as a start.

More articles updated regularly at: www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

Here are the highlighted stories for 2 March 2022:


This guy is… “that guy”. He needs urine test:

Vindman: This is the ‘beginning of the end’ for Putin | TheHill

Not unless the west goes ‘scorched earth’ sanctions. Stop buying everything and anything from Putin(?), this is a pipe dream.


Meanwhile, COVID is just as active now as it’s been for the last six-months. Here’s an indicator:

COVID-19 tracker: New cases across Japan up 9,101 from week earlier | The Japan Times

It isn’t over. The numbers are nearly the same as last year, but Fauci has disappeared! Another indicator from the world sick map (Drudge Report or Populist Press):

COVID Cases in the USA:

58,023 MAR 2 2022
57,644 MAR 2 2021

2,346 MAR 2 2022
1,306 MAR 2 2021


Russian’s read military history:

Ukraine invasion: Russia’s foreign minister Sergei Lavrov rants about Napoleon, Hitler, Hollywood films and Ukraine’s ‘Nazi battalions’ | Politics News | Sky News

I’m looking at the US political situation and I hear the democrats name calling republicans as “white supremacists” and “NAZI’s”, but they are 100% supporting (actual photo’s of) Ukrainian Nazi’s(?).


Inflation (Bidenflation?) is just another form of taxation:

Inflation Continues To Chew Up Your Paycheck | ZeroHedge

See these and other articles on the net at www.notquiterightnews.com

Uncle Mike

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