NQRNews Highlight for 12 Mar: China Filling Global Diplomatic Hole Left by Weak US Presidency

NQRNews Highlight for 12 Mar: China Filling Global Diplomatic Hole Left by Weak US Presidency

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Today is MAR 12th. Chinese diplomacy is my lead article:

Five things to know about the Iran-Saudi deal brokered by China | The Hill

Due to the globally perceived weakness of the US President, China has stepped up to be the global leader in seeking diplomatic solutions to potential conflicts. The latest has been their oversight of an Iran-Saudi negation.

This doesn’t bode well for Israel and set the global stage for follow on negotiations that will have no help for US or Western diplomatic directives.

Now about those bank runs tomorrow….

Let’s hope not.

Uncle Mike

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See you on the internet.

Uncle Mike

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