(Today’s image is a chart from ZERO HEDGE that comes from Charles Hugh Smith via the blog; OfTwoMinds)
Dear NQRNews Readers,
This article is posted on Zero Hedge:
Funny Things Happen On The Way To “Restoring Financial Stability” | ZeroHedge
It doesn’t take a doctorate in economics to understand the people running the global economy are ‘tinkering’ in unexplored territory. They seem to be throwing crap at the walls and seeing what sticks. Let’s raise interest rates to stop inflation. That’s not working so let’s keep raising them. That’s still not working so let’s see how many suckers we can get to buys US Treasuries at 2%! Crap that didn’t work. We had a couple banks buy billions in T-bills and they lost their collective asses! Let’s try getting the largest (still) solvent banks to backstop the Biden Administrations so far successful economy (right….) with billions more purchases of banks that are in trouble.
Can you see what is going on gang? We are in uncharted territory. The things that may have worked in the past, aren’t working now. Especially since the people that did this in the past (and failed) were never held accountable. Hell most of them got different jobs after 2008! Now with the current bunch, it is yet to be seen whether a single one goes to jail, much less fired. I read the leader of SVB is on vacation in Mexico(?). If it’s you or me, or some GOP dude, you can bet your ass the capitol police will lock us away until the interest rates go back to zero. Which ain’t gonna happen friends.
Hope you had a great St. Patrick’s Day and had a nice green ale. We may just need to continue drinking to forget what those wizards are doing to US.
Buy some gold (or silver) folks….
Uncle Mike
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