NQRNews Highlights for 19 JUN: Putin Escalates the Ukrainian War

NQRNews Highlights for 19 JUN: Putin Escalates the Ukrainian War

(Today’s image is from EPA/EFE)

Dear NQRNews Readers,

Combat operations in Ukraine will be going on for much longer than anyone could anticipate. Here is more evidence the sane adults have left the building. This article is posted on Zero Hedge:

Russian Nukes Will Stay In Belarus Indefinitely: Kremlin | ZeroHedge

Literally, the bottom line of this article states: “Based on NATO’s nuclear sharing mission, the US currently has nuclear warheads positioned in five non-nuclear weapon states, includingBelgium, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, and Turkey.” So NATO is allowed to share nukes with it’s partners, but Russia isn’t? Who at NATO did not believe this move by Putin was coming?

What is worse, those same NATO decision makers are responsible for NATO’s next move. I don’t know what it is, but I know it will only escalate the Ukrainian War.

Also of note, dozens of countries have announced they are seeking alliances with the BRICS to use any currency other than US dollars. Anticipate an excess of US dollars coming to US banks in high volume in the next 2 weeks. This means…. Inflation.

Buy some gold folks. If you can’t afford gold, buy silver.

Uncle Mike

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